
List środowiska naukowego do KE ws. budowy muru na granicy polsko-białoruskiej

Żubry w Puszczy Białowieskiej. fot. Adam Wajrak


1. Przewodnicząca Komisji Europejskiej Ursula von der Leyen

2. Wiceprzewodniczący Komisji Europejskiej Frans Timmermans

3. Komisarz Unii Europejskiej ds. środowiska Virginijus Sinkevičius

Jako naukowcy i eksperci zajmujący się ochroną i zarządzaniem zasobami środowiska przyrodniczego, apelujemy do Komisji Europejskiej o podjęcie wszelkich możliwych kroków w celu natychmiastowego wstrzymania budowy muru na polsko-białoruskiej granicy do czasu przeprowadzenia zgodnej z prawem UE i wymogami ochrony przyrody oceny oddziaływania tego przedsięwzięcia na spójność sieci Natura 2000 i takiego zaprojektowania tej inwestycji, aby w jak najmniejszym stopniu wpływała na cenne gatunki i siedliska przyrodnicze.

Puszcza Białowieska jest ostatnim lasem nizinnym strefy umiarkowanej w Europie, który istnieje z niewielkimi zaburzeniami ze strony człowieka od końca ostatniej epoki lodowcowej. Inne lasy tego typu zostały wycięte w efekcie rozwoju cywilizacji europejskiej. Puszcza Białowieska rozciąga się po obu stronach granicy polsko-białoruskiej, co czyni jej ochronę delikatną sprawą międzynarodową.
25 stycznia br. rozpoczęła się budowa trwałej, 186 kilometrowej zapory wzdłuż granicy z Białorusią. Zgodnie z informacjami polskiego Ministerstwa Spraw Wewnętrznych i Administracji zabezpieczenie granicy będzie mierzyło 5,5 metra wysokości: 5 metrów to stalowe słupy posadowione na betonowym fundamencie, zwieńczone zwojem z drutu żyletkowego. Dodatkowo w ramach nowego programu modernizacji służb mundurowych na lata 2022-2025, Straż Graniczna planuje budowę bariery elektronicznej na całej zewnętrznej lądowej granicy Unii Europejskiej. Na skutek wejścia w życie w listopadzie 2021 r. ustawy o budowie zabezpieczenia granicy państwowej, inwestycja ta została zwolniona ze stosowania m.in. prawa budowlanego, prawa wodnego, prawa ochrony środowiska, przepisów o udostępnianiu informacji o środowisku czy o ochronie gruntów rolnych, leśnych i środowiskowych. Prace budowlane mają być prowadzone w systemie trzyzmianowym (24 h/dobę) i zakończyć się po 150 dniach. Koszty inwestycji szacowane są na 1,6 mld zł.

Budowa muru na wielu odcinkach będzie kolidować z terenami chronionymi i cennymi przyrodniczo, m.in z sześcioma obszarami Natura 2000: Puszcza Białowieska, Ostoja Augustowska, Ostoja Knyszyńska, Dolina Biebrzy, Ostoja Nadbużańska, Poleska Dolina Bugu.

Skutki barierowego oddziaływania zapory będą dramatyczne i doprowadzą do trwałego przerwania funkcjonalnej łączności korytarzy ekologicznych sieci Natura 2000 w skali krajowej i europejskiej. Oddziaływania na te obszary Natura 2000 także na etapie budowy, w tym wyręby i budowa dróg, będą szkodliwe dla stanu ochrony gatunków i siedlisk.

Tylko na terenie Puszczy Białowieskiej mur graniczny będzie kolidował z korytarzem ekologicznym o randze paneuropejskiej GKPn-2 Puszcza Białowieska. Przecinany korytarz należy do najważniejszych korytarzy dla zachowania siedlisk leśnych i wodno-błotnych w skali Europy Środkowej – jest to główna oś Korytarza Północnego. Korytarz GKPn-2 stanowi funkcjonalne połączenie Puszczy Białowieskiej oraz siedlisk leśnych Białorusi i Ukrainy z kompleksami leśnymi centralnej i zachodniej Polski i w dalszej kolejności Europy Zachodniej, będąc główną osią przemieszczania dużych ssaków w skali kontynentalnej (gatunki kluczowe: wilk, ryś, żubr, łoś). Skutki przyrodnicze kolizji zapory z korytarzem GKPn-2 będą wszechstronne i wielkoskalowe, gdyż obecność bariery ekologicznej w postaci muru spowoduje izolację siedlisk Puszczy Białowieskiej od kompleksów leśnych po jej wschodniej stronie, co doprowadzi do zahamowania przepływu osobników wielu gatunków zwierząt i brak napływu migrantów z najlepiej zachowanych i stabilnych populacji, co może doprowadzić m.in. do załamania się polskiej nizinnej populacji rysia. Korytarz GKPn-2 posiada także priorytetowe znaczenie dla zachowania spójności sieci Natura 2000, w wymiarze kontynentalnym – w granicach siedlisk leśnych i wodno-błotnych. Powstanie bariery ekologicznej w wyniku budowy muru spowoduje m.in. funkcjonalną i przestrzenną izolację polskiej części Puszczy Białowieskiej (czyli najważniejszego w Europie niżowego skupiska siedlisk leśnych) od jej wschodniej części po stronie białoruskiej. W wyniku powstania bariery ekologicznej nastąpi przestrzenny i funkcjonalny podział Puszczy Białowieskiej, szczególnie istotnej dla zachowania integralności i łączności ekologicznej siedlisk wodno-błotnych. Zagrozi to utrzymaniu wielu kluczowych procesów przyrodniczych, stanowiących podstawę wpisu Puszczy Białowieskiej na listę światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO.

W procesie planowania tej inwestycji nie przeprowadzono jednak żadnej oceny oddziaływania tego przedsięwzięcia na cele ochrony obszaru Natura 2000 Puszcza Białowieska, co stanowi oczywiste naruszenie art. 6 ust. 3 dyrektywy siedliskowej. Nie zdiagnozowano i nie oceniono tak kluczowych zagadnień jak kolizja zapory z korytarzami ekologicznymi o priorytetowym znaczeniu dla zachowania łączności siedlisk leśnych w skali Europy Środkowej czy wpływu tej inwestycji na populację dużych ssaków, tj. żubra, wilka, rysia, łosia jelenia. Przedstawione opinii publicznej projekty „przejść dla zwierząt” (otwierane kraty) nie stanowią funkcjonalnych obiektów umożliwiających swobodną migrację zwierząt i nie zagwarantują skutecznej minimalizacji oddziaływań barierowych w odniesieniu do siedlisk i gatunków leśnych. Wszystkie te zagadnienia, z uwzględnieniem skumulowanych skutków naruszenia integralności pozostałych pięciu obszarów Natura 2000, powinny być przedmiotem merytorycznej i pogłębionej analizy.

Wyrażając zrozumienie dla konieczności ochrony nienaruszalności granicy i mając świadomość innych aspektów związanych z sytuacją na granicy stoimy na stanowisku, że realizacji tego przedsięwzięcia musi towarzyszyć poszanowanie prawa wspólnotowego oraz dbałości o nasze dziedzictwo przyrodnicze. Z uwagi na powyższe apelujemy o podjęcie wszelkich możliwych kroków w celu wstrzymania budowy zapory do czasu przeprowadzenia oceny oddziaływania na środowisko i zagwarantowania wdrożenia do tego projektu odpowiednich działań minimalizujących fragmentację. Chcielibyśmy również zachęcić Europejskich Liderów do podejmowania problematyki ochrony środowiska i ochrony przyrody w kontaktach dyplomatycznych z rządem Białorusi.

Do tej pory list podpisało ponad 1800 osób z polskich i zagranicznych ośrodków naukowych. Pod wersją angielską lista, która będzie uzupełniana:

1. Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission

2. Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice President of the European Commission

3. Virginijus Sinkevičius, EU Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries

Open letter from the scientific communityconcerning the construction of a wall along the Polish- Belarusian border

As scientists and experts in the field of wildlife conservation and management of natural resources, we call the European Commission to take all the possible measures to immediately halt the construction of the wall along the border between Poland and Belarus until an environmental impact assessment of this project on the coherence of the Natura 2000 network is carried out in accordance with European law and nature conservation requirements, and until the project design ensures the minimization and mitigation of the potential impacts on valuable species and natural habitats.

Białowieża Forest is the last remaining temperate lowland forest in Europe, existing with little human disturbance since the end of the last ice age. Other forests of this kind were destroyed as a result of the development of civilization in Europe. Białowieża Forest spans across the Polish-Belarusian border making its conservation a delicate international issue.
The construction of a permanent, 186km-long wall along the border of Poland with Belarus has already started on 25th January 2022. According to the Polish Ministry of Interior and Administration, the wall will be 5.5 meters high and will consist of 5 meters high steel poles set on a concrete foundation, topped with a coil of razor wire. In addition, as part of the new Uniformed Services Modernisation Programme for 2022-2025, the Polish Border Guard plans to build an electronic fence along the entire length of the Eastern border of the European Union. In November 2021, an Act on the Construction of the State Border Security entered into force. As a result, the border wall project has been exempted from the application of, inter alia, the current construction law, water law, environmental law, regulations on the provision of environmental information and the protection of agricultural, forest and environmental land. The construction work is to be carried out in three shifts (24 hours/day) and completed within 150 days. The project costs have been estimated at PLN 1.6 billion (EUR 350 million)
Many sections of the planned wall will cross protected and valuable natural areas, including six Natura 2000 sites: Białowieża Primeval Forest, Augustów Forest, Ostoja Knyszyńska Forest, Biebrza Marshes, Ostoja Nadbużańska, Bug River valley.
The construction of the wall will create a barrier with devastating consequences, leading to permanent interruption of the functional connectivity of the ecological corridors of the Natura 2000 network on the national and European scale. The impacts on these Natura 2000 areas also during the construction phase, involving logging and road development, will be detrimental for the conservation status of species and habitats.
For instance, the border wall will cross an ecological corridor of pan-European importance: GKPn-2 Białowieża Primeval Forest. Being the main axis of the Northern Corridor, this corridor is among the ecological corridors most important for preservation of forest and water and marsh habitats in Central Europe. The GKPn-2 corridor constitutes a functional connection between the Białowieża Forest and the forest habitats of Belarus and Ukraine, with the forests of central and western Poland and, further, with western Europe, being the main dispersal route of large mammals at the continental scale (key species: grey wolf, Eurasian lynx, European bison, European elk). The ecological consequences of the collision of the wall with the GKPn-2 corridor will be multifaceted and large-scale, as the barrier the wall will result in the isolation of the habitats in the western and eastern parts of the Białowieża Forest, which will prevent movements of many animal species and their gene flow, which may lead, among others, to the collapse of the Polish lowland lynx population. The GKPn-2 corridor is also of priority importance for the preservation of the cohesion of the Natura 2000 network on continental scale with regards to forest, water and marsh habitats. The creation of such an ecological barrier as a result of construction of the wall will cause, among others, functional and spatial isolation of the Polish part of the Białowieża Primeval Forest from its eastern part on the Belarusian side. As a result, the Białowieża Forest, which is especially important for the preservation of integrity and ecological connectivity of water and wetland and forest habitats, will be spatially and functionally divided. This will threaten the preservation of many key natural processes which underlie fulfilling the criteria for the Białowieża Forest’s inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Despite this, in the process of planning the wall construction, no assessment of the environmental impact of the project on the conservation objectives of the Natura 2000 site Białowieża Primeval Forest was carried out, which constitutes a clear infringement of Article 6(3) of the Habitats Directive. Such key issues as the collision of the wall with ecological corridors of priority importance for the preservation of forest habitats connectivity on a central European scale, or the impact of the project on populations of large mammals such as the European bison, wolf, lynx, elk and deer were neither diagnosed nor assessed. The design of the „animal crossings” structures which have been presented to the public may not be effective as functional wildlife crossings allowing a sufficient level of animal movement and guaranteeing an effective minimization of the wall barrier effects on forest habitats and species. Taking into account the cumulative effects of breaking the integrity of the other five Natura 2000 sites, all these issues should be subject to a substantive and in-depth analysis.
While understanding the need to protect the integrity of the European Union border and being aware of other aspects of the situation on the Polish-Belarusian border, we take the firm view that this project must be implemented in accordance with European Union law and with utmost care for the protection of our common natural heritage. We, therefore, call for all possible steps to be taken to halt the construction of the wall until an environmental impact assessment is carried out and until it is ensured that appropriate mitigation measures are implemented. We would also like to encourage European Leaders to raise environmental and conservation issues in their diplomatic contacts with the Belarussian government.

Do tej pory list podpisało ponad 1800 osób z polskich i zagranicznych ośrodków naukowych. Poniżej lista, która będzie uzupełniana:

  1. PhD Piotr Bentkowski University of Warsaw
  2. PhD Marcin Kadej University of Wrocław, Faculty of Biological Science
  3. Professor Łukasz Michalczyk Jagiellonian University
  4. Professor Paweł Koperski University of Warsaw
  5. Professor Małgorzata Witeska Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities
  6. Professor Hanna Mamzer Adam Mickiewicz University
  7. Professor Edyta Sierka University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland
  8. PhD Anna Kujawa Polish Mycological Society
  9. Professor Dorota Rancew-Sikora University of Gdansk
  10. Professor Malgorzata Latalowa University of Gdańsk
  11. Professor Kasia Piwosz National Marine Fisheries Research Institute
  12. PhD Piotr Kittel University of Lodz
  13. Professor Antoni Amirowicz Institute of Nature Conservation PAS, Cracow, Poland
  14. Professor Anna Orczewska Institute of Biology, Biotechnology and Environmental Protection, University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland
  15. Professor Piotr Skubała University of Silesia in Katowice
  16. Professor Joanna Pijanowska University of Warsaw, Faculty of Biology
  17. PhD Paulina Kramarz Faculty of Biology, Jagiellonian University
  18. Professor Marcin Urbaniak Pedagogical University of Cracow
  19. Professor Alek Rachwald Forest Research Institute, Poland
  20. PhD Romuald Mikusek Stolowe Mts. National Park
  21. Professor Krzysztof Schmidt Mammal Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences
  22. Professor Hanna Kmita Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
  23. Professor Jan Marcin Węsławski Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences
  24. Professor Andrzej Elzanowski University of Warsaw
  25. PhD Mirosława Cylkowska-Nowak Poznan University of Medical Sciences
  26. PhD Aleksandra Kilian University of Wrocław, Poland
  27. PhD Katarzyna Gorniak Warsaw University of Technology
  28. PhD Danuta Wojcieszyńska University of Silesia in Katowice
  29. PhD Maria J. Golab Institute of Nature Conservation Polish Academy of Sciences
  30. MSc Joanna Bokalska-Rajba Polish Academy of Science, Institute of Botany
  31. PhD Przemysław Chylarecki Museum & Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences
  32. Professor Nuria Selva Fernandez Institute of Nature Conservation Polish Academy of Sciences
  33. PhD Piotr Kubkowski University of Warsaw
  34. MSc Adam Flis Institute of Nature Conservation, Polish Academy of Sciences
  35. Professor Adam Rostański University of Silesia in Katowice
  36. PhD Krzysztof Kujawa Wrocław Medical University, Statistical Analysis Centre
  37. PhD Barbara Ober-Domagalska University of Łódź – Poland
  38. Professor Adam Latała University of Gdańsk
  39. Professor Kamil Bartoń Institute of Nature Conservation, Polish Academy of Sciences
  40. PhD Agnieszka Sergiel Instytut Ochrony Przyrody Polskiej Akademii Nauk
  41. Professor Djuro Huber Veterinary Faculty University of Zagreb
  42. PhD Halina Galera University of Warsaw
  43. PhD Jan Zarzycki University of Agriculture in Kraków
  44. Professor Kazimierz Rykowski Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa
  45. Professor Józef Szmeja University of Gdańsk
  46. Professor Jan Kozłowski Jagiellonian University
  47. MSc Marcin Żebrowski Faculty of Biology University of Warsaw
  48. PhD Katarzyna Gozdzik University of Warsaw
  49. PhD Jakub Skorupski University of Szczecin
  50. PhD Adam Malkiewicz University of Wrocław, Faculty of Biological Sciences
  51. PhD Katarzyna Środa-Więckowska Uniwersytet im. Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
  52. PhD Anna Muszewska Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, PAS
  53. PhD Marcin Zych University of Warsaw
  54. PhD Michal Malecki Uniwersytet Warszawski
  55. Professor Marta Szulkni Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw
  56. PhD Maksymilian Zienkiewicz Warsaw University
  57. MSc Justyna Ryniewicz Botanic Garden, Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw
  58. MSc Joanna Lilpop Faculty of Biology, Warsaw University
  59. PhD Ewa Jabłońska Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw
  60. PhD Piotr Bialas Poznan University of Medical Sciences
  61. Professor Anna Kacperczyk University of Lodz
  62. PhD Mateusz Ciechanowski Department of Vertebrate Ecology and Zoology, Faculty of Biology, University of Gdańsk, Poland
  63. MSc Zuzanna Wikar Department of Vertebrate Ecology and Zoology, University of Gdańsk
  64. Professor Bogdan Jaroszewicz University of Warsaw, Faculty of Biology
  65. PhD Piotr Maszczyk University of Warsaw, Faculty of Biology
  66. Professor Vassiliki Kati Professor of Biodiversity Conservation. Department of Biological Applications & Technology. University of Ioannina, Greece
  67. Professor Maciej Grzybek Department of Tropical Parasitology, Medical University of Gdansk
  68. Professor Andrzej Kaczanowski Dept of Biology, Warsaw University (professor emeritus)
  69. Professor Małgorzata Stpiczyńska University of Warsaw
  70. PhD Anna Karnkowska University of Warsaw
  71. Professor Krzysztof Kruczała Jagiellonian University
  72. Professor Grzegorz Mikusinski Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences SLU
  73. Professor Nadzieja Drela University of Warsaw
  74. PhD Sławomir Zieliński Naturalists Club
  75. MSc Katarzyna Chaber University of Warsaw
  76. PhD Dominik Marchowski Muzeum and Institute of Zoology PAS
  77. PhD Elżbieta Wilk-Woźniak Institute of Nature Conservation, Polish Academy of Sciences
  78. PhD Beata Czyż University of Wrocław, Department of Behavioural Ecology
  79. PhD Agnieszka Bednarska Institute of Nature Conservation Polish Academy of Sciences
  80. PhD Katarzyna Nowak Białowieża Geobotanical Station
  81. Professor Bengt Gunnar Jonsson Dept of Natural Sciences, Mid Sweden University, Sundsvall, Sweden
  82. Professor Catherine Alexander Durham University
  83. PhD Monika Joanna Latkowska Botanic Garden, University of Warsaw
  84. Professor Andrzej Wrobel University of Warsaw
  85. PhD Alicja Pawelec University of Warsaw
  86. Professor Grzegorz Gabryś University of Zielona Góra, Poland
  87. Professor Beata Gabryś University of Zielona Góra
  88. PhD Trevor Jones Southern Tanzania Elephant Program
  89. PhD Szymon Drobniak Jagiellonian University/University of New South Wales
  90. PhD Katarzyna Kurek Institute of Nature Conservation Polish Academy of Science
  91. PhD Łukasz Kozub Department of Ecology and Environmental Conservation, Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw
  92. PhD Łucja Lange University of Lodz, Institute of Sociology
  93. Professor Neil Burgess Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate. University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  94. PhD Barbara Pietrzak University of Warsaw
  95. Professor Sian Sullivan Bath Spa University / Gobabeb Namib Research Institute / National Museum of Namibia
  96. Professor Stuart Pimm Duke University
  97. Professor Kris Verheyen Ghent University
  98. Professor Dr Faisal Moola, PhD University of Guelph
  99. PhD Mike Perring UKCEH, signed in personal capacity
  100. PhD Mariangela Fotelli Forest Research Institute
  101. Professor Jörg Müller University Würzburg
  102. Professor Władysław Polcyn Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Biology
  103. Professor Linkowski Tomasz Professor emeritus, earlier: National Marine Fisheries Research Institute in Gdynia
  104. Professor Łukasz Kaczmarek Department of Animal Taxonomy and Ecology, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
  105. Professor Filippo Bussotti University of Firenze
  106. Professor Phyllis Lee Emeritus professor, University of Stirling
  107. PhD Tomasz Wyszomirski Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw
  108. MSc Tomasz Diserens Warsaw University & Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences
  109. Professor Piotr Dawidowicz Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw
  110. Professor Tadeusz Namiotko University of Gdansk
  111. MSc Lucyna Namiotko University of Gdansk
  112. Professor Gary M.Tabor Center for Large Landscape Conservation
  113. PhD Julia Pawłowska University of Warsaw, Faculty of Biology
  114. Professor Jingjing Liang Purdue University, USA
  115. PhD Małgorzata Bednarska University of Warsaw
  116. MSc Julia Rothacher University of Wuerzburg
  117. MSc João Manuel Cordeiro Vale Pereira University of Freiburg, Wildlife Ecology and Management
  118. MSc Cristina Ganuza Department of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology, University of Wuerzburg
  119. PhD Andrzej Mikulski University of Warsaw
  120. Professor Andrzej Jerzmanowski University of Warsaw and Polish Academy of Sciences
  121. MSc João Pedro Meireles Utrecht University
  122. Professor Anton Krištín Institute of Forest Ecology SAS, Zvolen, Slovakia
  123. Professor Adam Petrusek Charles University, Prague
  124. Professor Bożena Szal University of Warsaw
  125. Professor Jürgen Bauhus University of Freiburg, Germany
  126. MSc Matthias Reese Former student at the department of ecology and tropical biology of the University of Würzburg
  127. PhD Amy Eycott Nord University, Norway
  128. MSc Michael Junginger Julius Maximilian Univerity Würzburg
  129. PhD Johan Svensson Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
  130. MSc Piotr Chibowski Faculty of Biology, Biological and Chemical Research Centre, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
  131. PhD Eunice Blavascunas Whitman College, USA
  132. PhD Andreea Spinu Chair of Silviculture
  133. PhD Grzegorz Apoznański Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences
  134. PhD An De Schrijver Ghent University
  135. Professor Tord Snäll Swedish University of Agricultural Science
  136. Professor Dorota Zawadzka University of Łódź
  137. Professor Maria Doligalska University of Warsaw, Faculty of Biology
  138. PhD Heidi E M Dobson Professor of Biology
  139. PhD Marta Derek University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies
  140. Professor Katarzyna Tońska University of Warsaw, Faculty of Biology
  141. PhD Monika Mętrak Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw
  142. PhD Piotr Golec University of Warsaw
  143. Professor Michael Scherer-Lorenzen University of Freiburg, Chair of Geobotany, Germany
  144. Professor Bart Muys KU Leuven, Belgium
  145. PhD Michał Falkowski Masovian-Świętokrzyskie Ornithological Society
  146. Professor Wiktor Kotowski University of Warsaw
  147. Professor Piotr Zieliński Department of Ecology and Vertebrate Zoology, University of Lodz, Poland
  148. PhD Manisha Bhardwaj University of Freiburg
  149. Professor Stanislaw Klosowski Jan Kochanowski Univeristy
  150. PhD Bart Nyssen KU Leuven
  151. Professor Michał, Lech Dadlez Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Pol. Acad. Sci. Warsaw
  152. PhD Waldemar Siuda University of Warsaw
  153. PhD Maciej Jończyk Faculty of Biology
  154. Professor Agnieszka Mostowska Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw, Poland
  155. PhD Bohdan Paterczyk Biology Department Warsaw University
  156. PhD Ewa Orlikowska Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
  157. PhD Dana Schabo University of Marburg, Germany
  158. PhD Christos Astaras Forest Research Institute, ELGO-DIMITRA, Greece
  159. MSc Giulia Mainardi Würzburg University
  160. PhD Guy Pe’er German Centre for integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, and UFZ – Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
  161. PhD Justyna Kierat Nauka dla Przyrody
  162. PhD Marta Olasik University of Lodz
  163. MSc Moereels Lieke Forest & Nature Lab
  164. PhD Yorgos Iliopoulos Callisto wildlife society Greece
  165. PhD Chang Liu KU Leuven
  166. PhD Dorota Kozakiewicz-Klosowska Warsaw University
  167. MSc Xiaqu Zhou KU Leuven, Department of Earth and Environmental Science, Division Forest, Nature and Landscape.
  168. PhD Iwona Dembicz Institute of Environmental Biology, Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw
  169. MSc Despina Migli Department of Zoology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
  170. Professor Roman Żurek Institute of Nature Conservation Polish Academy of Sciences
  171. PhD Finn Rehling Philipps-University Marburg
  172. Professor Dionisios Youlatos Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Biology
  173. MSc Dimitra-Lida Rammou Wild life Biologist – Zoologist
  174. PhD Ursazula Zielenkiewicz Insitute of Biochemistry and Biophysics PAS
  175. PhD Bartosz Lisowski Jagiellonian University Medical College, Climate Council of the Jagiellonian University
  176. PhD Harm Smeenge Researcher and lecturer landscape ecology & historical ecology
  177. MSc Marcin Łukaszewicz Bio-Study
  178. MSc Victoria Reuber University of Marburg, Germany
  179. PhD Joanna Galas Institute of nature conservation
  180. Professor David Hořák Department of Ecology, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague, Czechia
  181. MSc Eline Lorer Ghent University
  182. PhD Zofia Prokop Jagiellonian University
  183. PhD Magdalena Miśkowiec Jagiellonian University
  184. PhD Gavriil Spyroglou Principal researcher at Hellenic Agricultural Organization – DIMITRA, Forest Research Institute, 57006 Vasilika, Thessaloniki, Greece
  185. Professor Justyna Wolinska Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Berlin, Germany & Freie Universität Berlin
  186. PhD Monika Wojnar Association „Animals to people, people to animals under the patronage of St. Francis of Assisi”
  187. PhD Joanna Bagniewska Brunel University London, University of Oxford
  188. PhD Mari-Liis Viljur Field Station Fabrikschleichach, Department of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology (Zoology III), Rauhenebrach, Germany
  189. PhD Aleksi Lehikoinen Finnish Museum of Natural History
  190. PhD Petr Voříšek Czech Society for Ornithology
  191. PhD Pablo Salazar Zarzosa University of Cordoba
  192. MSc Natividad Aguilera Miguel Hernández University
  193. MSc Michał Gorczak University of Warsaw
  194. PhD Germán Orizaola University of Oviedo, Spain
  195. PhD Milena Svobodová Charles University
  196. MSc Julen Astigarraga University of Alcalá
  197. PhD Marcin W. Wojewodzic Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH), Oslo, Norway
  198. PhD Adrián Maturano Ruiz University of Alicante
  199. Professor Emili García-Berthou University of Girona
  200. Professor Narcís Prat Universitat de Barcelona
  201. PhD Lucía DeSoto Complutense University of Madrid (UCM)
  202. PhD Joanna Kołodziejczyk Institute of Experimental Biology, Warsaw
  203. MSc Kelly Wittemans KU Leuven
  204. PhD Riikka Kaartinen journalist at Finnish Association for Nature Conservation, visiting researcher at University of Helsinki
  205. MSc Eulàlia Pladevall-Izard Department of Evolutive Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences; University of Barcelona
  206. Professor Frits Mohren Wageningen University and Research
  207. PhD Zellweger, Florian Swiss Federal Research Institution WSL
  208. PhD Agnieszka Dzikowska University of Warsaw, Faculty of Biology
  209. PhD Sheila Izquieta Rojano University of Navarra
  210. PhD Martin de luis University of zaragoza
  211. PhD Elżbieta Fuszara University of Warsaw
  212. MSc Jowita Misztal University of Warsaw
  213. Professor Elżbieta Romanowska University of Warsaw, Faculty of Biology
  214. Professor Magdalena Popowska University of Warsaw
  215. Professor Iwona Jakubowska-Branicka Institute of Applied Social Sciences University of Warsaw
  216. PhD Andrea Santangeli University of helsinki
  217. PhD Malgorzata Strzalek University of Siedlce, Institute of Biological Sciences, Prusa 14, 08-110 Siedlce, Poland
  218. PhD Agnieszka Kolada IEP-NRI
  219. PhD Sip van Wieren Visiting scientist Wageningen University
  220. Professor Jesus M Avilés Spanish Council for Research
  221. MSc Elisa Norio Rainforest Rescue
  222. Professor Hervé Jactel INRAE (French National Research Institute for Agriculture Food and Environment)
  223. Professor Juan Traba Department of Ecology. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  224. MSc Hector Hernandez Alonso University of Salamanca
  225. Professor Rory Putman Emeritus Professor manchester Metroploitan University; Visiting Professor University of Glasgow Institute of Biodiversity, Animal health and Comparative Medicine
  226. PhD Cristina Gasperini Florence University
  227. PhD Alba Costa University of Exeter, UK
  228. PhD Asun Rodriguez Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3)
  229. MSc Sebastian Schwegmann University of Freiburg
  230. Professor Chris Smit University of Groningen
  231. PhD Joanna Furmankiewicz University of Wroclaw
  232. MSc Elena Quintero Doñana Biological Station
  233. Professor Chris Smit University of Groningen
  234. Professor Piotr Bębas University of Warsaw, Faculty of Biology
  235. MSc Håkan Ljungberg Swedish Agricultural University
  236. Professor Federico Selvi University of Florence, Italy
  237. Professor Theunis Piersma University of Groninegn
  238. Professor András Náhlik University of Sopron, Hungary
  239. MSc Janika Kerner University of Würzburg
  240. PhD Raul de la Mata Doñana Biological Station – CSIC
  241. Professor Maria Cruz Diaz Barradas University of Seville
  242. Professor Juan A Oliet Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  243. MSc Taylor Craft PhD candidate, University of Groningen
  244. PhD Maciej Grodzicki Jagiellonian University
  245. Professor Andrés Giménez Casalduero University Miguel Hernández
  246. Professor Alexandro Leverkus University of Granada, Spain
  247. MSc Michella Ligtelijn Rijks Universiteit Groningen
  248. PhD Juan Carlos Illera University of Oviedo
  249. PhD Andrzej Kołodziejczyk Faculty of Biology, Uniwersity of Warsaw
  250. MSc Megan Korte University of Groningen
  251. MSc Mikoleit, Ronja Freiburg University
  252. PhD Marta Kaliska Warsaw University
  253. Professor Anna Traveset IMEDEA, Spanish Research Council
  254. Professor Boštjan Pokorny Environmental Protection College, Velenje, Slovenia
  255. Professor Han Olff University of Groningen, The Netherlands
  256. MSc Camille Van Eupen KU Leuven (BE)
  257. Professor Marco Apollonio Department Of Veterinary Medicine, University of Sassari, Italy
  258. PhD Marie Stessens University of Groningen
  259. Professor Leif Schulman Finnish Environment Institute
  260. PhD Ferran Pauné University of Vic, Catalonia
  261. PhD Barraquand Frédéric Quantitative ecologist at the French Center for National Scientific Research (CNRS), Institute of Mathematics of Bordeaux
  262. Professor Plomion Christophe INRAE
  263. MSc Luis Gorriz Huarte University of Navarra
  264. MSc Sidi cheikh University of Nouakchott
  265. PhD Celestino Quintela Sabarís Animal Ecology Group, University of Vigo (Spain)
  266. PhD María Felipe-Lucia Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ / German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig
  267. MSc Iga Kwiatkowska University of Warsaw
  268. Professor Christiaan Both University of Groningen
  269. PhD Janne Teerlinck KU Leuven
  270. MSc Jan Schlautmann Philipps University Marburg
  271. PhD Marion Nicolaus University of Groningen
  272. PhD Józef Wiktor IO PAN
  273. PhD Marcelina Zimny University of Warsaw, Bialowieza Geobotanical Station
  274. MSc Finja Strehmann Philipps Universität Marburg
  275. PhD Klemen Novak Biotechnical faculty, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
  276. PhD Arndt Hampe INRAE (France)
  277. PhD Lechosław Kuczyński Adam Mickiewicz University
  278. Professor Jens-Christian Svenning Department of Biology, Aarhus University
  279. PhD Leen Depauw Ghent University, Forest & Nature Lab
  280. PhD Robert Buitenwerf Aarhus University
  281. PhD Ninad Mungi Postdoc, Aarhus University, Denmark
  282. Professor Beatriz Duguy Pedra University of Barcelona (Spain)
  283. PhD Joan Llovet Barcelona Education Consortium
  284. PhD Patrick Jansen Wageningen University
  285. Professor Anna Bajer University of Warsaw
  286. PhD Reece Thornley Aarhus University
  287. PhD Petra de Goeij University of Groningen
  288. PhD Oscar Franken University of Groningen
  289. PhD Sebastian Sundberg Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
  290. MSc Jared Gonet Canadian Citizen
  291. Professor Mariia Fedoriak Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
  292. Professor Massimo Scandura University of Sassari, Italy
  293. PhD Verónica Cruz-Alonso Harvard University
  294. PhD Aliza le Roux University of the Free State, South Africa
  296. PhD Bjorn Mols University of Groningen
  297. PhD Dorota Czeszczewik University of Natural Sciences and Humanities
  298. Professor Jerzy Smykla Institute of Nature Conservation Polish Academy of Sciences in Kraków
  299. PhD Enrique Andivia Complutense University of Madrid
  300. Professor Luis Cayuela Rey Juan Carlos University
  301. PhD Abrams Floris KULeuven
  302. MSc Lars Emil S. F. Hansen Aarhus university, Denmark
  303. MSc Erik Lund senior adviser
  304. PhD Patryk Czortek University of Warsaw
  305. MSc olav strand Norweigian Institute for Nature Reserch
  306. PhD Marc Förschler Black Forest National Park
  307. PhD Néstor Fernández German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig
  308. PhD Christoph Dreiser Black Forest National Park, Germany
  309. MSc Frederik Have Kallesøe Aarhus University, department of biology
  310. Professor Marek Żabka Retired university professor
  311. Professor Bartosz J. Płachno Jagiellonian University in Kraków
  312. PhD Eva Hernández Plaza INIA- CSIC. Spanish National Research Council
  313. PhD Mirosław Stepaniuk Podlasie Heritage Association
  314. PhD Christoph Heibl Bavarian Forest National Park Administration
  315. MSc Anja Wiese Humboldt University to Berlin
  316. PhD Marek Wierzba PBE NATURA Marek Wierzba
  317. MSc Jonathan von Oppen Aarhus University
  318. MSc Anna-Lena Hendel University of Freiburg
  319. PhD Erick Lundgren Aarhus University
  320. MSc Johanna Van Passel University of Leuven
  321. PhD Dimitris Fotakis Forest Research Institute, Hellenic Agricultural Organization Dimitra, Vassilika, Thessaloniki, 57006, Greece
  322. PhD Ewa Poniecka University of Warsaw
  323. MSc Stefanie Pietsch University of Wuerzburg
  324. PhD Laura L Govers University of Groningen
  325. PhD Sybryn Maes Forest Ecology & Management Research Group (FORECOMAN), Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences, KU Leuven
  326. MSc Els Dhiedt Ghent University
  327. Professor Joris Cromsigt Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
  328. PhD Martin Jung International Institute for Applied Systems Analyses (Iiasa)
  329. PhD Dries Landuyt Forest & Nature Lab, Ghent University, Belgium
  330. PhD Katrijn Vannerum HOGENT
  331. PhD Raimo Virkkala Finnish Environment Institute, Biodiversity Center, Helsinki, Finland
  332. PhD Simon Thorn University of Wuerzburg
  333. PhD Pil Pedersen Aarhus University
  334. MSc Tobias Kirchenbaur Forest research institute Baden-Württemberg
  335. PhD Elena Valdés INRAE
  336. PhD Juan J. Robledo Forest Research Centre, INIA-CSIC, Spain
  337. MSc Laura Huber-Eustachi Wildlife ecologist
  338. MSc Picoche Coralie University of Bordeaux, France
  339. PhD Stefan Ehrhart Forstliche Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt Baden-Württemberg · Wildlife Institute
  340. PhD Verena Keller retired scientist
  341. PhD Jeppe A. Kristensen University of Oxford
  342. MSc Fonteyn Ward KU Leuven
  343. PhD Jörg Albrecht Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung
  344. PhD Lorenzo Marini University of Florence – Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry
  345. PhD Anne Blach Overgaard Aarhus University, Denmark
  346. MSc Nina Meister Forstliche Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt Baden-Württemberg (FVA)
  347. PhD Bodénès Catherine INRAE
  348. Professor Nina Farwig University of Marburg, Germany
  349. MSc Wouter Delforterie Forest ecologist at province Gelderland (NL)
  350. Professor William Laurance James Cook University
  351. MSc Lizaveta Vintsek Jagiellonian University, Institute of Botany
  352. Professor William Sutherland Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge
  353. MSc Linda Kopaniak Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
  354. PhD Joaquin Ortego Lozano Estación Biológica de Doñana (CSIC)
  355. PhD Gita Benadi University of Freiburg
  356. MSc Carolin Wilhelm Forest Research Institute Baden-Württemberg
  357. PhD Maria Mendez iDiv
  358. PhD Juan A. Amat SEO/BirdLife (Spanish Society of Ornithology)
  359. MSc Ilié Storms KU Leuven
  360. PhD Esther Sebastian Gonzalez University of Alicante
  361. PhD Susanne Zajitschek Liverpool John Moores University
  362. PhD Debora Arlt Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
  363. MSc María Suárez Muñoz University of Granada (Spain)
  364. PhD Agnieszka Olszańska Institute of Nature Conservation Polish Academy of Sciences
  365. Professor Miha Krofel University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
  366. Professor Anders Sanchez Barfod Dept. of Biology, Aarhus University
  367. MSc Julia Ellerbrok University Marburg
  368. PhD Carlos Rodríguez Doñana Biological Station, CSIC
  369. PhD Jose L Garrido Estación Experimental del Zaidín (CSIC). Granada. Spain.
  370. PhD Daniel Kleinman Universidad de Vigo
  371. PhD Frauke Ecke Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
  372. PhD Karen De Pauw Ghent University
  373. PhD Jose M. Fedriani Spanish Research Council (CIDE-CSIC)
  374. PhD Jonas Knape Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
  375. MSc Deis, Michele Forestry Research Institut
  376. MSc Philipp Mack University of Freiburg
  377. MSc Taylor Shaw University of Freiburg
  378. PhD Sara Palacio Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
  379. MSc GUIXIANG LI Department of Plant Ecology & Environmental Conservation Institute of Botany, Faculty of Biology University of Warsaw
  380. PhD Victor M. Santana Mediterranean Center for Environmental Studies (CEAM) – Spain
  381. PhD Bas Verschuuren Wageningen University Forest and Nature Conservation Policy Group
  382. MSc Svea-Sophie Zimmermann Forest Research Institute Baden-Wuerttemberg
  383. PhD Jeannette Eggers Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
  384. PhD Navinder Singh Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
  385. PhD Joanna Tusznio Institute of Environmental Sciences, Jagiellonian University in Krakow
  386. PhD Mareike Kortmann Bavarian State Institute of Forestry
  387. PhD Nathan Ranc INRAE-CEFS, Castanet-Tolosan, France
  388. PhD Adara Pardo Valle University of Extremadura (Spain)
  389. PhD Yvonne Tiede Hessian Ministry for the Environment, Climate Protection, Agriculture and Consumer Protection
  390. MSc Ann-Kathrin Klotz FVA Freiburg
  391. Professor Jan Urban Institute of Nature Conservation, Polish Academy of Sciences (retired)
  392. PhD Silvia Marqués Estación Experimental del Zaidín, CSIC, Granada, Spain Spain
  393. PhD Nancy Ockendon Cambridge Conservation Initiative
  394. PhD Agnieszka Pajdak-Stós Institute of Environmental Sciences, Jagiellonian University
  395. PhD Ingmar Staude Universität Leipzig
  396. Professor Arie Trouwborst Tilburg University, Department of Public Law and Governance
  397. PhD Dr Sophie Monsarrat Aarhus University
  398. Professor Zuzanna Setkowicz Jgiellonian university
  399. Professor Maciej Pabijan Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Biology
  400. Professor John D. C. Linnell Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
  401. PhD Joanna Kajzer-Bonk Institute of Zoology and Biomedical Research, Jagiellonian University
  402. MSc Elena Pearce Aarhus University
  403. PhD Marcos Fernández CREAF
  404. Professor Airam Rodríguez Department of Ecology, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
  405. Professor Juan E. Malo Dept. of Ecology, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (SPAIN)
  406. PhD Katarzyna Knapczyk-Stwora Jagiellonian University
  407. Professor marta sanchez ordoñez CSIC
  408. PhD emiel de lombaerde Ghent University
  409. PhD Ignacio Fernandez-Figares CSIC Spanish National Research Council
  410. PhD Margherita Santoni University of Florence
  411. PhD Manuel J. Macía Autonomous University in Madrid
  412. PhD Anna Ziomkiewicz-Wichary Institute of Zoology and Biomedical Research, Jagiellonian University
  413. MSc Francesco Serafini University of Florence
  414. PhD Anne Hertel Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich
  415. PhD Susanne Vogel Open Universiteit
  416. MSc Artur Górecki Jagiellonian University
  417. Professor Andy J. Green Doñana Biological Station – CSIC, Spain
  418. PhD Myriam Heuertz INRAE (French National Institute for Agriculture and the Environment)
  419. MSc Agnieszka Wyrębek University of Warsaw
  420. Professor Maria Niklińska Jagiellonian University
  421. PhD Ewa Borsuk Dept. Embryology, Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw
  422. Professor Dorota Lachowska-Cierlik Institute of Zoology and Biomedical Research
  423. MSc Peter Kriegel PhD Candidate University Würzburg
  424. MSc Anna Apanasewicz-Grzegorczyk Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy Polish Academy of Sciences
  425. PhD Aleksandra Biedrzycka Institute of Nature Conservation, Polish Academy of Sciences
  426. PhD Ines Sanchez-Donoso Doñana Biological Station (EBD-CSIC), Spain
  427. MSc Sara Klingenfuß Department of Geobotany, Institute for Biology II, University of Freiburg
  428. PhD Stanisław Bury Institute of Zoology and Biomedical Research, Jagiellonian University in Cracow
  429. PhD Rafael Molina Venegas University Autonomous of Madrid
  430. Professor Jan Mertens Ghent University
  431. PhD Martin Mörsdorf Univ. of Freiburg (Germany)
  432. PhD Vangansbeke Pieter Forest & Nature Lab, Department of Environment, Ghent University, Belgium
  433. MSc Graser Anne Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
  434. MSc Alba Hidalgo Garcia Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
  435. Professor Wojciech Witaliński Professor emeritus, Institute of Zoology and Biomedical Research, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Polandh
  436. Professor Henrik Andrén Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
  437. Professor Elzbieta Jastrzebowska Polish Academy of Science IMOC
  438. Professor Luigi Boitani University of Roma Sapienza
  439. MSc Jennifer Hansen PhD Candidate at University of South-Eastern Norway
  440. MSc Agata Niezabitowska University of Wroclaw
  441. PhD Alessandro Tanferna Doñana Biological Station (CSIC)
  442. MSc Claudia Frank Conservation Biology Department University of Goetttingen, Federation of German Avifaunists (DDA e.V.)
  443. PhD Ana Benítez López Doñana Biological Station-Spanish National Research Council (EBD-CSIC)
  444. Professor Curtit Bérengère UBordeaux
  445. PhD Jutta Kapfer Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research
  446. PhD Johan Liljeblad SLU Swedish Species Information Centre
  447. MSc Marlotte Jonker Uni Freiburg / Dutch mammal society
  448. Professor Jordi Cortina-Segarra University of Alicante
  449. PhD Joaquín Hortal Spanish Research Council (CSIC)
  450. PhD Magdalena Herdegen-Radwan Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
  451. PhD Jaime Ordóñez Consultor freelance
  452. PhD Petros Lymberakis Curator of Vertebrates. Natural History Museum of Crete. University of Crete
  453. Professor Andrzej Falniowski Jagiellonian University, Institute of Zoology and Biomedical Research, Dept. Malacology
  454. PhD Bia de Arruda Almeida Doñana Biological Station
  455. PhD Johannes Penner University of Freiburg, Frogs & Friends
  456. PhD Olivia Barrantes University of Zaragoza
  457. PhD Tamara Burgos Díaz-Guerra Rey Juan Carlos University
  458. PhD Rafał Kowalczyk Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences
  459. Professor Pyza Elżbieta Jagiellonian University
  460. PhD Pallieter De Smedt Forest and Nature Lab, Ghent University
  461. Professor Alfonso Garmendia Universitat Politècnica de València.
  462. PhD Agata Staniewicz Adam Mickiewicz University
  463. PhD Paweł Ręk Adam Mickiewicz University
  464. PhD Laetitia Navarro Doñana Biological Station (EBD-CSIC)
  465. PhD José Manuel de los Reyes Spanish Research Council
  466. PhD Gema Escribano Universidad Rey Juan Caralos
  467. PhD Sam Steyaert Associate Professor, Terrestrial Ecology
  468. PhD Lia Zampa Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznan
  469. MSc Silvia Cazacu-Bucica Research associate and PhD student
  470. MSc Neda Bogdanović University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology, Department for animal ecology and zoogeography
  471. PhD Ferenc Horváth Centre for Ecolgical Research
  472. PhD Diana Bowler German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv)
  473. PhD Felipe Benra German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv), Halle-Jena-Leipzig, Puschstraße 4, 04103, Leipzig, Germany
  474. PhD Aldona Uziębło University of Silesia
  475. PhD Sue Anne Zollinger Manchester Metropolitan University
  476. MSc Lisanne Smulders EEZ-CSIC
  477. Professor Jose Ignacio Querejeta National Research Council of Spain
  478. PhD María Quintela Institute of Marine Research
  479. PhD Dr. Reinhard Klenke German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig
  480. MSc Irene Di Lecce Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw, Poland
  481. PhD Piotr Łukasik Jagiellonian University
  482. Professor Pedro J. Rey University of Jaén
  483. MSc Laura Barbero-Palacios Agricultural University of Iceland
  484. MSc Jonna Heuschele UFZ
  485. MSc Camille Parise INRAE
  486. Professor Dries Kuijper Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences
  487. PhD Grzegorz Łazarski Institute of Biological Sciences, Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities
  488. PhD Francisco Álvares CIBIO-InBIO, Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources, University of Porto, Portugal
  489. MSc Daniel Vedder German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig
  490. PhD Andrea Perino German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv)
  491. Professor Andrew Dobson Princeton University
  492. Professor Francisco Garcia-Gonzalez Donana Biological Station-Spanish Research Council
  493. PhD Joke Bakker University of Groningen, Netherlands
  494. PhD Nicola Bernardo University of Seville
  495. PhD Hanna Werblan-Jakubiec Uniwersytet Warszawski Ogród Botaniczny
  496. Professor Andreu Bonet University of Alicante
  497. PhD Julia Martinez-Fernandez New Water Culture Foundation
  498. Professor Miguel Angel Esteve-Selma University of Murcia
  499. PhD Urs Breitenmoser Co-chair, IUCN SSC Cat Specialist Group
  500. MSc Charlotte Vanderlocht Fondazione Edmund Mach + University of Trento
  501. PhD Trevor Jones Southern Tanzania Elephant Program
  502. MSc H. Jansman WENR
  503. PhD Radosław Kozik University of Gdansk
  504. MSc Giorgio Zavattoni University of Helsinki
  505. Professor Lisa Biber-Freudenberger Bonn University
  506. Professor Taras Yamelynets Dr. Sci. (Geogr.)
  507. PhD Patricio Garcia-Fayos Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
  508. PhD Annelies van Ginkel University of Groningen
  509. MSc Judith Rakowski German Centre for Integrated Biodiversity Research
  510. PhD Alejandro López-López Jagiellonian University (Kraków)
  511. Professor Mikko Mönkkönen University of Jyväskylä, Finland
  512. PhD Maciej Konopiński Institute of Nature Conservation Polish Academy of Sciences
  513. Professor Krystyna Skwarło-Sońta Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw, professor emeritus
  514. PhD Clemens Blattert Department of Biological and Environmental Science, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
  515. PhD Claire Standley Georgetown University and University of Heidelberg
  516. MSc Lorenzo Lazzeri University of Siena
  517. PhD Zuzana Zajková CNRS, France
  518. MSc Laura Bignotti Catholic university of the Sacred Hearth/ KU Leuven
  519. Professor Klemen Jerina University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department for Forestry and Renewable Forest Resources
  520. PhD Iwona Sprawka Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Poland
  521. MSc Iza Wyszomirska University of Warsaw
  522. Professor Heiko Balzter University of Leicester, United Kingdom
  523. PhD Anna Szczuka Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology
  524. Professor José M. Rey Benayas University of Alcalá
  525. PhD Sandra Müller Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Biology 2, Department of Geobotany, Schänzlestr. 1, 79104 Freiburg, Germany
  526. MSc Monika Hoffmann Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Nature Conservation (IOP)
  527. PhD Solveig Franziska Bucher Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
  528. PhD Marcos Moleon University of Granada, Spain
  529. MSc Robrecht Van Der Bauwhede KU Leuven
  530. PhD Aleksandra Łukasiewicz University of Easter Finland
  531. PhD Sonja Wipf Head of Research and Monitoring, Swiss National Park
  532. Professor Beata Kowalska Jagiellonian University
  533. PhD Patrik Mráz Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
  534. MSc Dorit Siebert Universität Potsdam
  535. PhD Beata Klimek Jagiellonian University
  536. PhD Kamila S. Zając Institute of Zoology and Biomedical Research, Jagiellonian University
  537. MSc Eliza Kondzior Mammal Research Institute of Polish Academy of Sciences
  538. Professor Monika Kostera L’université Paris-Saclay
  539. PhD Seraina Cappelli University of Helsinki
  540. Professor Prof. Dr. Johannes Metz University of Hildesheim, Germany
  541. MSc Grzegorz Cierlik Institute of Nature Conservation, Polish Academy of Sciences
  542. Professor Matthias Waltert University of Göttingen
  543. PhD Katarzyna Simonienko Forest Therapy Center
  544. MSc Weides Sophie University of Tübingen
  545. Professor Porcher Emmanuelle French museum of natural history
  546. MSc Marie-Therese Krieger Technical University of Munich – School of Life Sciences
  547. PhD Bigna Steiner Universit of Basel
  548. PhD Noémie Pichon University of Oulu, Finland
  549. PhD Magdalena Migalska Jagiellonian University
  550. PhD Sabrina Träger Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
  551. Professor Wiesław Babik Jagiellonian University
  552. MSc Else Magård Aarhus University
  553. PhD Ronse Anne Botanic Garden Meise
  554. PhD Karl-Heinz Haeberle TU Munich, SoLS, Restoration ecology
  555. PhD Christoph Rosche MLU Halle
  556. PhD Alain EMPAIN University of LIEGE
  557. PhD Bojana Stojanova Ostrava University, Czech Republic
  558. Professor Piotr Nowicki Institute of Environmental Sciences, Jagiellonian University
  559. Professor Szymon Malinowski University of Warsaw
  560. PhD Alejandro Sotillo National Museum of Natural History, France
  561. Professor Ingo Grass Ecology of Tropical Agricultural Systems, University of Hohenheim
  562. MSc Iza Wołoszyn University of Warsaw
  563. PhD Marek Giergiczny Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych UW
  564. PhD Maria Triviño University of Jyväskylä
  565. PhD Aleksandra Walczyńska Institute of Environmental Sciences, Jagiellonian University
  566. PhD Walter Durka Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research-UFZ
  567. Professor Soizig Le Stradic INRAE
  568. PhD Nicolas DEGUINES University of Poitiers, France
  569. MSc Leyman Viviane Meise Botanic Garden, Belgium
  570. PhD Katarzyna Roguz University of Warsaw
  571. MSc Thomas Rempfler Swiss National Park
  572. Professor Jean Peccoud Université de Poitiers
  573. MSc Beata Orłowska Uniwercity of Wroclaw, Faculty of Biological Sciences
  574. MSc Elżbieta Skrzymowska Arboretum Bramy Morawskiej w Raciborzu
  575. MSc Rozario, Kevin German Centre for integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv), Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
  576. PhD Julia CLAUSE University of Poitiers (EBI Lab), France
  577. PhD Monica B. Berdugo University of Marburg
  578. PhD Korell, Lotte Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Department Community Ecology, Theodor-Lieser-Str. 4, 06120 Halle (Saale), Germany
  579. MSc Belén Moncalvillo Phillips-University Marburg (Germany)
  580. PhD Maik Bartelheimer Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity; University of Muenster; Germany
  581. PhD Pia Anderwald Swiss National Park
  582. PhD Tina Heger Technical University of Munich
  583. Professor Jakub Dolatowski retired
  584. PhD Sara Tomiolo Tübingen University, Germany
  585. PhD Maria Pottef Technical University Munich
  586. PhD Sergio Lambertucci CONICET (Argentine Research Council)/ Comahue National University
  587. MSc Wiktoria Rojek Jagiellonia University
  588. Professor Jana Petermann University of Salzburg
  589. PhD Anna Łasica University of Warsaw, Faculty of Biology
  590. PhD Marta Kołodziej-Sobocińska Mammal Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences
  591. Professor Peter Reijnders emeritus Wageningen University (Netherlands) & Kiel University (Germany)
  592. PhD Leonardo H. Teixeira Chair of Restoration Ecology, School of Life Sciences, Technical University of Munich
  593. Professor Peter G.H. Evans Sea Watch Foundation & Bangor University
  594. MSc Christina Dollinger Technical University Munich
  595. PhD Tomasz Podgórski Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Białowieża
  596. PhD Marie Sigaud Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (Paris, France)
  597. PhD Ana Stritih Technical University of Munich
  598. Professor Prof. Dr. Katja Tielbörger University of Tübingen, Germany
  599. Professor Johannes Kollmann Technical University of Munich
  600. PhD Lars Götzenberger Department of Botany, Czech Academy of Sciences
  601. Professor Johannes Steidle University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany
  602. Professor Taylor Dotson New Mexico Tech
  603. MSc Danuta Frydryszak Institute of Environmental Sciences, Jagiellonian University
  604. PhD Javier Bustamante Doñana Biological Station., Spanish National Research Council
  605. PhD Marc Stift University of Konstanz, Germany
  606. PhD Matthias Loretto Technical University of Munich
  607. MSc Markus Bauer Technical University of Munich
  608. PhD Rémi Duflot University of Jyväskylä
  609. PhD Markus Bernhardt-Römermann Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Dornburger Str. 159, DE-07743 Jena, Germany
  610. PhD Henri Thomassen University of Tübingen
  611. MSc Magdalena Held University oh Helsinki
  612. PhD Magda Garbowski University of Wyoming, USA
  613. MSc Sviataslau Valasiuk University of Warsaw
  614. MSc Monika Dyndo University of Gdańsk
  615. PhD Luciana Jaime CREAF
  616. PhD Magdalena Zamorska Institute of Cultural Studies, University of Wroclaw
  617. MSc Laura Josephin Hartmann University of Hildesheim, Ecology & Nature Conservation
  618. PhD Karine Princé Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle
  619. PhD Joanna Rutkowska Institute of Environmental Sciences, Jagiellonian University
  620. PhD Nils Anthes University of Tuebingen, Germany
  621. MSc Elena Motivans Švara Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research- UFZ
  622. PhD Stoll, Matthias University of Tübingen, Germany
  623. PhD Anna Kirschbaum University of Tübingen, Germany
  624. PhD Nigel Saunders GenPAx SA
  625. PhD Kamil Frankiewicz University of Cape Town/University of Johannesburg
  626. MSc Katerina Iberl Institute of Ecology and Conservation Biology, University of Regensburg
  627. PhD Bathsheba Demuth Brown University
  628. PhD Natalia Przelomska Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, United Kingdom
  629. PhD Agata Pesnar-Bielak Jagiellonian University
  630. MSc Natalia Korcz Department of Natural Forestry Basics, Faculty of Agrobioengineering, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, 13 Akademicka St., 20-950 Lublin, Poland
  631. PhD Eduardo Velázquez Martín University of Valladolid (Spain)
  632. MSc Leah Kirchhoff Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL
  633. PhD Malgorzata Bryja Columbia College
  634. Professor Rita Triebskorn University of Tübingen
  635. PhD Malgorzata Bryja Department of Environmental Studies, Columbia College
  636. Professor Anna Pecio Jagiellonian University in Kraków
  637. Professor Heinz Köhler University of Tuebingen, Institute EvE
  638. PhD Asunción Semper-Pascual Norwegian University of Life Sciences
  639. MSc Jakub Jakowiecki University of Warsaw
  640. PhD Andrew Kelly Freedom for Animals
  641. Professor Liv Baker Hunter College
  642. PhD Luis Abdón Cifuentes Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  643. Professor Ilse Storch University of Freiburg
  644. MSc Carolin Plos Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
  645. MSc Robert Rauschkolb University of Jena
  646. Professor Dr. Klaus Friedrich Schmieder University of Hohenheim, Dep. 320A, 70599 Stuttgart
  647. MSc Igor Siedlecki Botanic Garden, Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw, Al. Ujazdowskie 4, 00−478 Warsaw, Poland
  648. Professor Niedbała Wojciech Department of Animal Taxonomy and Ecology, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznańiversity, Poznań, Polan
  649. Professor Richard Bischof Norwegian University of Life Sciences
  650. PhD Elise Gornish University of Arizona
  651. PhD Ute Jandt 1: Geobotany and Botanical Garden, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany 2: German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, Germany
  652. MSc Huw Cooksley University of Hohenheim
  653. Professor cesare pacini university of florence
  654. Professor Lech Kufel Institute of Biological Sciences, Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities
  655. MSc Magdalena Lech Medical University in Bialystok
  656. MSc Bellefroid Elke Meise Botanic Garden
  657. PhD Francesca Marucco University of Torino
  658. Professor Joanna Makowska University of British Columbia
  659. MSc Vera Margreiter University of Innsbruck
  660. PhD Michał Pałasz Faculty of Management and Social Communication, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland
  661. Professor Frank Schurr Institute of Landscape and Plant Ecology, University of Hohenheim, Germany
  662. Professor Joanna Hańderek Jagiellonia University
  663. Professor Ryszard Laskowski Institute of Environmental Sciences, Jagiellonian University in Kraków
  664. PhD Loreto Castillo University of Chile
  665. MSc Christina Schaffer Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
  666. MSc Lena Wesenberg University of Tübingen
  667. Professor Rudy van Diggelen University of Antwerp
  668. PhD Piero Visconti International Institute for Applied System Analysis
  669. MSc Ira Hannappel Georg-August-University (as of March 2022)
  670. PhD Magdalena Niedziałkowska Mammal Research Institute Polish Academy of Science
  671. PhD Ronja Ratzbor University of Tübingen
  672. PhD Torsten Richter Biologist and Senior Researcher, University of Hildesheim
  673. PhD Cristiane Forgiarini University of Regensburg
  674. PhD Dominic Martin University of Zurich
  675. PhD Robin Naidoo University of British Columbia
  676. MSc Ursula Sterrer Swiss National Park
  677. PhD Magdalena Klimek Jagiellonian University
  678. PhD Agata Pietrzyk-Kaszyńska Institute of Nature Conservation Polish Academy of Sciences
  679. MSc Barbora Lepková Charles University, Faculty of Science
  680. MSc Aivars Ornicāns Latvian State Forest Research Institute „Silava”
  681. MSc Lorenzo Gordigiani Environmental Consultant
  682. PhD Dinesh Dhurvas Czech Academy of Sciences
  683. Professor Joanna Fietz University of Hohenheim
  684. MSc Kristin Fiedler The Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development
  685. PhD Krista Takkis University of Tartu
  686. Professor David Johns Portland State University
  687. MSc Maud Moes PhD candidate at Tübingen University
  688. Professor Robert Mysłajek University of Warsaw
  689. MSc Bürli Sarah University of Bern, Switzerland
  690. PhD Monika Podgórska Institute of Biology, Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce, Poland
  691. PhD Maria Janicka W. Szafer Institute od Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences
  692. MSc Diana Spurite Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena
  693. PhD Dominika Lipszyc University of Warsaw
  694. PhD Marta Labocha Jagiellonian University
  695. PhD Lanhui Wang Center for Biodiversity Dynamics in a Changing World (BIOCHANGE), Department of Biology, Aarhus University
  696. PhD Tomas Fer Charles University, Prague
  697. Professor Iga Lewin The University of Silesia, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Institute of Biology, Biotechnology and Environmental Protection, 9 Bankowa Street, 40-007 Katowice, Poland
  698. PhD Heike Betz University of Tübingen
  699. PhD Grzegorz Tylko Jagiellonian University
  700. PhD Patricia Lang Stanford University
  701. PhD Catarina Ferreira Environment and Climate Change Canada in the Science and Monitoring Unit of the Protected Areas Directorate
  702. PhD Dagmar A Riedel Columbia University
  703. MSc Debbie Jenkins PhD Candidate, Trent University
  704. PhD Kaja Rola Faculty of Biology, Jagiellonian University
  705. PhD Hugo Vincent University of Bern
  706. Professor Michał Woyciechowski Jagiellonian University Krakow
  707. PhD Marta Wiśniewska Museum & Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences
  708. Professor Julio Peñas University of Granada
  709. PhD Maarten Hofman Independent Wildlife Biologist
  710. PhD Thomaes Arno Research Institute for Nature and Forest
  711. Professor Leonora Buzanska Mossakowski Medical Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences
  712. Professor David Moreno Mateos Harvard University
  713. PhD Andrzej Kepel Polish Society for Nature Conservation „Salamandra”
  714. PhD Yasmine Majchrzak University of Alberta
  715. PhD Caspar Chater Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
  716. MSc Martin Duľa Department of Forest Ecology, Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic
  717. PhD Margareta Walczak Israel Nature and National Parks Authority
  718. Professor Javier Cabello University of Almería
  719. Professor Francesco Ferretti University of Siena
  720. Professor Marcel Uhrin Institute of Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Science, P. J. Šafárik University, Slovakia
  721. Professor Ľubomír Kováč University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik, Košice, Slovakia
  722. Professor Nicolaas MICHIELS University of Tuebingen, Germany
  723. Professor Andreas Zedrosser University of South-Eastern Norway
  724. PhD Kristin Ludewig Universität Hamburg, Germany
  725. MSc Sophia Hochrein University of Würzburg
  726. PhD Peter Luptacik Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science, Institute of biology and ecology
  727. MSc Teresa Oliveira University of Ljubljana
  728. MSc Zdeněk Vermouzek Czech Society for Ornithology
  729. PhD Frank Hailer Cardiff University
  730. PhD Dominika Włoch-Salamon Faculty of Biology Jagiellonian University
  731. Professor Prof. Dr. Katharina Foerster Institute for Evolution and Ecology, Tübingen University
  732. MSc Yasmine KADIRI INRAE
  733. MSc Jordi Pietx Freelance Consultant on Social and Environmental Innovation (Catalonia)
  734. MSc Johanna Märtz Forest Research Institute Freiburg
  735. MSc Noëlle Valérie Schenk Institute of Plant Sciences, Universität Bern
  736. PhD Olli-Pekka Tikkanen School of Forest Sciences, University of Eastern Finland, Finland
  737. PhD Stefanie Nolte University of East Anglia
  738. MSc Michał Walesiak Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences
  739. MSc Maciej Bonk Institute of Nature Conservation, PAS
  740. PhD Rasmus Pedersen Section for Ecoinformatics and Biodiversity, Biology, Aarhus University
  741. PhD Alice Nunes Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon
  742. MSc Gillerot Loïc Ghent University
  743. MSc Adina Arth Univeristy of Bern
  744. MSc Imke Petersen Universität Hamburg
  745. MSc Helge Löcken Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg
  746. MSc Katarzyna Nieszporska Mossakowski Medical Research Institute
  747. MSc Cervenka Ivana University of Bern
  748. PhD Anna Barczak Mossakowski Medical Research Institute Polish Academy of Science
  749. Professor Elżbieta Kompanowska-Jezierska Mossakowski Medical Research Institute
  750. MSc Daniela Schloz University of Tuebingen, Germany
  751. MSc Gabriele Retez University of Helsinki
  752. PhD Graham Prescott University of Bern, Switzerland
  753. Professor Teresa Zalewska Mossakowski Medical Research Institute Polish Academy of Science
  754. MSc Yvonne Künzi University of Berne
  755. MSc Michal Marcin Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
  756. MSc Urszula Kowalik Instytut Medycyny Doświadczalnej PAN
  757. Professor Felipe Martínez García Polytechnic University of Madrid
  758. MSc Johannes Höfner UFZ – Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
  759. Professor Isabel Barja Núñez Department of Biology, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, C/Darwin, 2, 28049 Madrid
  760. PhD Martina Pollastrini University of Florence, Italy
  761. MSc Tobias Frühbrodt Forestry Research Institute Baden-Württemberg (FVA)
  762. PhD Marta Rueda University of Seville (Spain)
  763. MSc Marek Pawlik Mossakowski Medical Research Institute PAS
  764. Professor Martina Carrete University Pablo de Olavide
  765. Professor Andres Ordiz University of León, Spain
  766. PhD Beatriz Olmos sanchez University of Tuebingen
  767. Professor Pedro Beja CIBIO-InBIO/ Research Centre in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources
  768. Professor Marco Galeotti Università di Udine
  769. PhD Begona Martinez-Cruz Liverpool John Moores University
  770. PhD Marta Obara-Michlewska Mossakowski Medical Research Institute
  771. PhD Cornelia Baessler Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH
  772. PhD Marek Długosz Department of Plant Biochemistry, Institute of Biochemistry, Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw
  773. PhD Danuta Maria Wisniewska University of Southern Denmark
  774. Professor Elise Buisson Avignon Université, IMBE
  775. PhD Lech Buchholz Polish Entomological Society
  776. MSc Rosanne J. Michielsen Mammal Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences
  777. Professor Elżbieta Salińska Mossakowski Medical Research Institute PAS
  778. Professor Alberto Tinaut Department of Zoology. Faculty of Sciences. University of Granada, 18071 Granada
  779. Professor Fulvio MARSILIO Faculty of Veterinary Medicine – University of Teramo (Italy)
  780. PhD Chrysanthi Fergani Liverpool John Moore’s
  781. Professor Richard Brown Liverpool John Moores University
  782. PhD Monnet Anne-Christine National Museum of Natural History, Paris, France
  783. Professor Stefano Mariani Liverpool John Moores University
  784. PhD Craig Wilding Liverpool John Moores University, UK
  785. PhD Katarzyna Janusz KU Leuven
  786. Professor Jerzy Łazarewicz Professor Emeritus Mossakowski Medical Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
  787. Professor Alex Wilshaw Biological and Environmental Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, UK
  788. PhD Alina Kuryłowicz Mossakowski Medical Research Centre PAS
  789. PhD Jaunatre Renaud INRAE
  790. PhD Michel DANAIS University of Rennes France
  791. MSc Olivier Delzons MNHN
  792. PhD Magdalena Ruiz University of Granada (Spain)
  793. MSc Hacala Axel Université de Rennes 1
  794. PhD Mirko Pegoraro Liverpool John Moores University
  795. PhD Sam Cruickshank Swiss National Park
  796. MSc Diana Richter Universität Hamburg
  797. Professor Bergès Laurent INRAE
  798. MSc Maria Pereira CIBIO
  799. MSc Beatriz Amorim Cibio; FCUP
  800. PhD Ricardo Pita University of Évora, Portugal
  801. PhD Zbyszek Boratynski BIOPOLIS, CIBIO, Research Centre in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources
  802. MSc armin komposch institute of plant sciences, university bern
  803. PhD Marta Koblowska University of Warsaw
  804. MSc Sasha Vasconcelos Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources (CIBIO-InBIO)
  805. MSc Mónia Nakamura BIOPOLIS/CIBIO/InBIO/University of Porto
  806. PhD Rita Bastos Cibio-Inbio (University of Porto, Portugal)
  807. PhD Pedro Sousa CIBIO/InBIO – Research Centre in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources
  808. PhD Patrick Tkaczynski Liverpool John Moores University
  809. PhD Jaunatre Renaud INRAE
  810. PhD Raquel Ponti CIBIO-InBIO, Portugal
  811. PhD Helena Gonçalves Natural History and Science Museum – University of Porto (MHNC-UP)
  812. PhD Mario Quevedo Oviedo University
  813. MSc Ana Serronha CIBIO – University of Porto
  814. PhD Jenny Sneddon Liverpool John Moores University
  815. MSc Adam Marques Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto
  816. PhD Luís Reino CIBIO/InBIO, University of Porto
  817. PhD Rita Rocha Research Centre in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources, University of Porto, Portugal
  818. PhD Marta Ciccarella CIBIO-InBIO / MNHN
  819. MSc Pijls Stefaan Botanic Garden Meise
  820. MSc Salomée Gelot Muséum National d’Histoire Naturell
  821. PhD Raul Cerveira Lima School of Health of the Polytechnic of Porto/Institute of Astrophysics and Space Sciences (Portugal)
  822. PhD Cristian Pizzigalli CIBIO-InBio
  823. PhD Graça Oliveira University of Lisbon
  824. PhD Satu Valoriani LJMU
  825. Professor Francisca Aguiar Forest Research Centre, School of Agriculture, University of Lisbon, Portugal
  826. Professor Tomasz Osiejuk Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Biology, Department of Behavioural Ecology
  827. Professor Beata Borzemska Mossakowski Medical Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences
  828. PhD Vanessa Mata CIBIO-InBIO, Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources, University of Porto, Portugal
  829. PhD Patrícia Tiago Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes – University of Lisbon
  830. PhD Jose Carlos Brito CIBIO/University of Porto, Portugal
  831. MSc Sara Sampaio CIBIO-InBIO/UP
  832. PhD Ricardo Rocha CIBIO-InBIO, University of Porto and University of Lisbon
  833. PhD Labat Frédéric Aquabio, Rennes 1 University (France)
  834. PhD Wurz, Annemarie Phillips University Marburg
  835. MSc Margaux Mistarz French Office of Biodiversity
  836. MSc Heather Shupe Universität Hamburg
  837. PhD Sergio Chozas Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes – cE3c / University of Lisbon
  838. PhD Cristina Cruz Faculdade de Ciências da Unviersidade de Lisboa
  839. PhD Filipe de Sousa University of Lisbon
  840. MSc Accarie Esteban Conservatoire d’espaces naturels de Bourgogne
  841. MSc Joana Marcelino University of Lisbon
  842. PhD Rita Ramos UEA (UK) & CIBIO/UP (Portugal)
  843. MSc Juan Pablo Cancela University of Azores
  844. MSc Giulio Zangari University of Roma Tre
  845. PhD Greinwald Konrad University of Freiburg
  846. MSc Paulo Sousa Center of Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Change
  847. MSc Afonso Dinis Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon
  848. MSc João Santos Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon
  849. MSc Ana Lúcia Fonseca Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Enviromental Changes (CE3C) – Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon
  850. PhD Riccardo Pennesi University of Camerino
  851. PhD Lourdes Morillas University of Lisbon
  852. MSc Marisa Naia CIIMAR – Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research
  853. MSc Andrea Cutini CREA – Research Centre for Forestry and Wood
  854. PhD Maria Joana Ferreira da Silva CIBIO-InBIO, University of Porto, Portugal
  855. PhD Gil Penha Lopes Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon
  856. Professor Ewa Koźniewska Mossakowski Medical Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences
  857. PhD Andrea Mondoni University of Pavia
  858. Professor Kevin Cianfaglione Universitè de Lorraine (ATER Dr / Assistant Profesor)
  859. PhD Luís Borda-de-Água CIBIO, University of Porto
  860. PhD Dr. Simone Orsenigo, PhD University of Pavia
  861. PhD Luis Catarino cE3c – Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes, Faculty of Sciences, Lisbon University
  862. Professor Lucas Marthe Avignon University
  863. PhD Davide Dagnino University of Genoa
  864. PhD Vivier Anne French biodiversity agency
  865. MSc Magdalena Dominiak AVEN Michał Górski
  866. PhD Elisa Carrari DAGRI-UNIFI
  867. PhD Robin Payne Forest Research Centre, School of Agriculture, University of Lisbon
  868. Professor Daniela Gigante University of Perugia
  869. MSc Rita Araújo CIBIO
  870. MSc Ana Pereira Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes, University of Lisbon, Portugal
  871. PhD Emanuela Carli The Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, ISPRA
  872. Professor Mónica V Cunha Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes
  873. PhD Carolina Elena Girometta University of Pavia (Italy)
  874. Professor SergeWich Liverpool John Moores University
  875. Professor Francesco Bracco University of Pavia – Dept. of Earth and Environment Sciences
  876. MSc Raquel Mendes Faculty of Science, University of Lisbon
  877. MSc Catarina Pinho CIBIO-InBIO
  878. MSc Clara Figueiredo University of Porto
  880. MSc HUG Aline Conservatory of natural areas (Hauts-de-France)
  881. Professor Gianni Bedini Department of Biology, University of Pisa, Italy
  882. PhD Fernando Martinez Freiria CIBIO/InBIO, University of Porto (Portugal)
  883. PhD Cristiana Marques BIOPOLIS Association/ CIBIO-UP
  884. Professor Luís Miguel Rosalino Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon
  885. MSc Paul Rouveyrol National Museum of Natural History, Paris
  886. Professor Silvia Assini University of Pavia
  887. PhD Prie Vincent SPYGEN
  888. MSc Vasco Valdez Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes Ce3c
  889. MSc Laura Arco González University of Granada
  890. Professor Donato Traversa University of Teramo
  891. Professor Marta Czernik University of Teramo
  892. Professor Assunta Esposito Department of Biological Environmental and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies – University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli
  893. MSc Guilherme Pereira University of Aveiro, Portugal
  894. MSc Filipa Guilherme University of Porto, Portugal
  895. Professor Nicola Merloni Botanical Society of Italy
  896. MSc Inês Lacerda Faculty of Aciences of the University of Lisbon
  897. MSc Ana Luisa Barros cE3c- centre for ecology, evolution and environmental changes
  898. PhD Raquel Xavier BIOPOLIS, University of Porto, Portugal
  899. Professor Jorgelina Di Pasquale Faculty of Veterinary Medicine – University of Teramo- Italy
  900. Professor Thomas Abeli Roma Tre University, Italy
  901. Professor Pietro Minissale University of Catania
  902. Professor Anna Torelli University of Parma
  903. Professor Rui Bento Elias CE3C – Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes/Azorean Biodiversity Group and Universidade dos Açores – Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e do Ambiente, 9700-042, Angra do Heroísmo, Açores, Portugal
  904. Professor Rodolfo Gentili University of Milano Bicocca
  905. Professor Andrea Coppi University of Florence
  906. PhD Roksolana Petrovska FZS, Frankfurt Zoologische Gesellschaft
  907. MSc Teresa Santos cE3c – University of Lisbon
  908. MSc Francesco Rota Free University of Bozen/Bolzano
  909. PhD Federico Maria Tardella University of Camerino
  910. PhD Wiebke Ullmann Potsdam University
  911. PhD Manuela Manca Free Researcher
  912. PhD Josiane Santos cE3c (Faculty of Science, University of Lisbon)
  913. PhD yari vecchio Unibo
  914. Professor Gabriella Buffa Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
  915. PhD Anna Kalinowska Centre for Environmental Study and Sustainable Development (emeritus), Warsaw University
  916. PhD Cara Gallagher University of Potsdam
  917. MSc Liliana Ferreira Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon
  918. PhD Inês do Rosário cE3c Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes
  919. Professor DR. V.S. ANIL KUMAR Kerala University, South India
  920. PhD Francisca Monteiro Center of Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes (cE3c)
  921. PhD Marco Ferrante University of the Azores
  922. MSc Jolina Friederike Kröger Germany, Philipps-University of Marburg, Department of Biology
  923. Professor Goffredo Filibeck Dep. of Agriculture and Forest Science, University of Tuscia, Italy
  924. PhD Roeleke, Manuel University of Potsdam
  925. PhD Rossella Marcucci University of Padua (Italy)
  926. MSc Alexandra Rocha Silva Azorean Biodiversity Group/cE3c
  927. Professor Marta Galloni Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of Bologna
  928. Professor Wiesław Bogdnowicz Museum and Institute of Zoology PAS
  929. PhD Philippe Janssen INRAE
  930. MSc Mariusz Boćkowski Institute of Environmental Sciences, Jagiellonian University
  931. Professor Anna Rita Frattaroli University of L’Aquila Italy
  932. PhD Carmen Giancola Botanic Garden of Apennine Flora of Capracotta
  933. PhD Paulo Fernandes Associate Director, Cell and Gene therapy
  934. MSc Brivet Baptiste environmental protection and management and quantitative ecology
  935. MSc Thibaud Aronson Missouri Botanicl Garden
  936. PhD Manlio Speciale Università degli Studi di Palermo, Orto Botanico
  937. MSc Susana Reis FCUL Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon
  938. PhD Rita Torres University of Aveiro
  939. Professor Barbara Bilinska Institute of Zoology and Biomedical Research, Jagiellonian University in Krakow
  940. PhD Aurelie Lacoeuilhe MNHN
  941. MSc Carlos Vila-Viçosa BIOPOLIS-CIBIO-Porto Portugal
  942. PhD Laura Giamperi Botanic Garden – University of Urbino
  943. Professor Paulo Borges University of Azores
  944. MSc Sahut Adèle FREDON Martinique
  945. MSc Florian Gade university of Hildesheim
  946. PhD Gonçalo Rodrigues University of Glasgow
  947. PhD Ana Rita Cavaco Weizmann Institute of Science
  948. PhD Anahì Elena Ada Bucchini Botanic Garden – University of Urbino (Italy)
  949. Professor Riccardo Guarino University of Palermo
  950. MSc Bruno Pinto Faculty of Sciences, Lisbon University
  951. Professor Mergeay Joachim Research Institute for Nature and Forest, Belgium
  952. PhD Assunta Florenzano University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
  953. PhD Pilar Rodriguez CIBIO-InBIO
  954. PhD Ana Santos CNC Center for Neurocience and Cell Biology
  955. PhD Fernando Ascensão cE3c-FCUL
  956. PhD Maria Paniw Spanish National Research Council
  957. PhD Simone Buratti University of Pavia
  958. MSc Inês Santos Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon
  959. PhD Phoebe King University of East Anglia
  960. PhD Angela Balzano University of Ljubljana
  961. PhD Duarte Viana EBD-CSIC
  962. PhD Micaela Roque BioTis, Bordeaux
  963. PhD Daniel Burgas University of Jyväskylä
  964. PhD Katja Geißler University of Potsdam
  965. PhD Giuliana Marletta University of Catania
  966. PhD Nishith Dharaiya Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, India
  967. MSc Pedro Geraldes Society for the Study of Birds (SPEA) Portuguese
  968. MSc Gabriele Galasso Section of Botany, Natural History Museum of Milan (Italy)
  969. Professor Gian Pietro Giusso del Galdo University of Catania
  970. Professor Angelica Crottini CIBIO/InBio, Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos; Universidade do Porto (Portugal)
  971. PhD Ana Veríssimo CIBIO – BioPOLIS
  972. PhD José Manuel Grosso Silva Porto University
  973. MSc BARANDE SERGE Ecosphère, France
  974. Professor Maria Lucia Leporatti Fondazione In Unam Sapentiam
  975. MSc Sofia Lino PhD student at Faculty of Sciences University of Lisbon
  976. Professor Andrea Boari Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Teramo Italy
  977. PhD Aleksander Trajce Protection and Preservation of Natural Environment in Albania
  978. Professor Cristina Boari University of Bologna
  979. PhD Pedro Simões Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, Portugal
  980. PhD Waclaw Tworzydlo Faculty of Biology, Jagiellonian University in Krakow
  981. Professor MIGUEL TEJEDO Assistant Professor of Research (CSIC-EBD, Seville, Spain)
  982. PhD Ana Morales González Estación Biológica de Doñana (EBD-CSIC)
  983. PhD Arnaud Da Silva Ecosphère, France
  984. MSc Hagen, Bjørn-Roar Nord University, Norway
  985. Professor Giacomo Rossi University of Camerino. School of Biosciences and Veterinary Medicine
  986. MSc Joanna Sulich Polar Bears International
  987. MSc Sysiak University of Warsaw
  988. PhD Miguel Porto CIBIO – Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources
  989. PhD Leonor Rodrigues University of Lisbon
  990. Professor Paola Fortini University of Molise
  991. PhD Federica Di Profio Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Teramo
  992. MSc Ole Jakob Sorensen Nord University
  993. Professor Agnese Marchini University of Pavia, Italy
  994. PhD Gianmaria Bonari Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
  995. PhD Gabriel Gomez Nord University
  996. Professor Marcello De Rosa University of Cassino and southern Lazio
  997. Professor Barbara Zablocka Medical Research Institute
  998. Professor Małgorzata Grodzińska-Jurczak Jagiellonian Unoversity, Institute of Environmental Sciences
  999. PhD Margarida M. Santana Centre for Ecology, Evolution and environmental Changes
  1000. PhD Matteo Chincarini University of Teramo
  1001. MSc Margot Pluen Ecosphère
  1002. Professor Luca Bartoli University of Cassino
  1003. MSc Irati Diez Doñana Biological Station
  1004. PhD Laura Buck Liverpool John Moores University
  1005. MSc Kris Decleer Senior Researcher Research Institute for Nature and Forest, Belgium
  1006. Professor Francesco da Borso Department of Agricultural Food Environmental and Animal Sciences – University of Udine, Italy
  1007. PhD Lorenzo Cecchi University of Florence (Italy)
  1008. PhD Miguel A. Fortuna Alcolado Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
  1009. PhD Andrias O’Reilly Liverpool John Moores University
  1010. PhD De Vrieze Ellen Ghent University
  1011. PhD Giorgio Chiozzi Museum of Natural History of Milan
  1012. PhD Petra Kaczensky Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Department of Forestry and Wildlife Management, Stor-Elvdal, NORWAY
  1013. Professor Teresa Szklarzewicz Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Biology, Kraków
  1014. MSc Marta Pacheco National Laboratory of Energy and Geology (LNEG), Portugal
  1015. PhD Juraj Svajda Matej Bel University, Slovakia
  1016. PhD Merlijn Jocque Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO), Belgium
  1017. MSc Yasmine Verzelen Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO), Belgium
  1018. PhD Verhelst Pieterjan Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO), Belgium
  1019. Professor Robert Philipp Wagensommer University of Bari (Italy), Department of Biology
  1020. MSc Anabela Pereira School of Agriculture University of Lisbon (ISA), Lisbon
  1021. Professor Maria Messina University of Udine
  1022. Professor Giuseppe Venturella University of Palermo (Italy)
  1023. MSc David Buysse Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)
  1024. MSc Marc Van de walle Research Institute Nature and Forest (Belgium)
  1025. PhD Neirynck Johan Research Institute for Nature and Forest (Belgium)
  1026. PhD Van Calster Hans Research Institute for Nature and Forest, Belgium
  1027. MSc Erika Van den Bergh Research Institute for Nature and Forest
  1028. MSc Geert De Knijf Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO), Brussels
  1029. PhD Arne Verstraeten Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO), Flanders, Belgium
  1030. MSc Wouter Courtens Research Institute for Nature and Forest
  1031. PhD Janine van Vessem Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)
  1032. PhD Ricardo F. de Lima cE3c, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
  1033. Professor Jacobs, Sander Research Institute for Nature and Forest INBO, Belgium
  1034. PhD Michele Di Musciano University of L’Aquila
  1035. PhD Chollet Simon University Rennes 1
  1036. MSc Aline FERRARI UNIL – University of Lausanne – Master of Arts in Foundations and Practices of Sustainability
  1037. Professor Michael A. Patten Nord University
  1038. Professor Carlos Ibáñez Estación Biológica de Doñana (CSIC), Seville, Spain
  1039. PhD Mariusz Jaglarz Jagiellonian University in Krakow
  1040. PhD Luc Denys senior researcher
  1041. MSc Wouter Van Landuyt Institute for Nature and Forest Research (INBO)
  1042. PhD Simon Jolivet University of Poitiers
  1043. PhD Ireneia Melo Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes, faculty of Sciences, University of Lisboa, Portugal
  1044. MSc Javier Lobon Rovira CIBIO-InBio
  1045. PhD Krzysztof Niedziałkowski Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences
  1046. PhD Jeroen Van Wichelen Senior scientist, Research Institute for Nature and Forest INBO, Belgium
  1047. Professor Adriano Stinca University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Italy
  1048. MSc Anna Heck Research Institute for Nature and Forest
  1049. PhD Franziska Merle Willems University Marburg
  1050. PhD Flávio Oliveira Researcher in behavioural ecology
  1051. PhD Klara Rehounkova Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic
  1052. MSc João Neves University of Porto
  1053. Professor Paola Beraldo University of Udine
  1054. PhD Marinangeli Francesca Centre for research in Politics and Bio-economics
  1055. PhD Emily Bethell Liverpool John Moores University
  1056. PhD João Carvalho University of Aveiro
  1057. Professor Joanna B.Strosznajder Mossakowski Medical Research Centre ,Polish Academy of Sciences , Pawińskiego 5 ,02-106 Warsaw, Poland
  1058. PhD Dutoit Thierry CNRS France
  1059. MSc Edward Vercruysse Research Institute for Nature and Forest INBO, Belgium
  1060. PhD Luc janssens de Bisthoven Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences- CEBioS
  1061. MSc Kevin Scheers Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)
  1062. Professor Gunnar Mikalsen Kvifte Faculty of Biosciences and Aquaculture, Nord University
  1063. Professor Maurizio Cutini Roma Tre University
  1064. PhD Dr Christopher D Williams Senior lecturer Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool
  1065. PhD Cristina Coccia Doñana Biological Station (CSIC)- SPAIN
  1066. MSc Luis Ruiz Techinsche Universität Dresden
  1067. Professor Stefano Chelli University of Camerino
  1068. PhD Katia Zanatta Biologist Freelance
  1069. MSc Kelle Moreau Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
  1070. Professor Katarzyna Jasikowska Jagiellonian University
  1071. Professor Edi Piasentier University of Udine
  1072. PhD Jan Van Uytvanck Research Institute for Nature and Forest
  1073. MSc Lynn Pallemaerts Research Institute for Nature and Forest, Brussels, Belgium
  1074. Professor Pasqualino Loi University of Teramo
  1075. MSc Bart Christiaens Institute for Nature and Forestry Research
  1076. PhD Suchant, Rudi Forest Research Institute
  1077. PhD Nuno Negrões Aveiro University
  1078. Professor Alessandra Bertoli Associate Professor, University of PIsa, Dep. of Pharmacy
  1079. Professor Ireneusz Ruczyński Mammal Research Institute PAS, Białowieża, Poland
  1080. PhD Vanda Acácio University of Lisbon
  1081. MSc Marco Neves Marques Centre for Applied Ecology / Research Network in Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology, School of Agriculture, University of Lisbon
  1082. PhD Joana Figueiredo Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon (Portugal)
  1083. MSc Hendrik Bluhm Humboldt University Berlin
  1084. MSc Mie Arnberg Nord University
  1085. MSc Emanuele Berrilli University of L’Aquila
  1086. PhD Giulia Console University of L’Aquila
  1087. PhD Giulia Simbula University of Roma Tre
  1088. PhD Frédérique Steen Research Institute for Nature and Forest, Belgium
  1089. MSc Bernardino Carpenè SISV (Società Italiana Scienze della Vegetazione)
  1090. MSc Martina Panisi Lisbon University
  1091. Professor Silvio Scortegagna Italian Botanical Society
  1092. PhD Tanja Milotic Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)
  1093. Professor Lorenzo Gianguzzi University of Palermo
  1094. Professor Maria Ventura University of the Azores
  1095. PhD Nathalie Cools Research Institute for Nature and Forest, Belgium
  1096. PhD Agnieszka Piotrowska-Nowak University of Warsaw
  1097. MSc Peter Desmet Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)
  1098. MSc Ferrarese Francesco University of Padua
  1099. MSc Fabrizio Bottelli Director of Oropa Botanical Garden (Italy)
  1100. Professor Paula Simoes cE3c
  1101. MSc Michael Kleih Società Botanica Italiana
  1102. MSc Valérie Goethals Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)
  1103. MSc Romane Blaya Mediterranean Institute for Biodiversity and Ecology
  1104. MSc Lauwers Laura Reserach Institute for Nature and Forest
  1105. PhD Silvia Medina Villar Complutense University of Madrid
  1106. Professor Jose Antonio Donazar Sancho Doñana Biological Station (Spanish Council of Research)
  1107. MSc Louvet Jean-Marc INRAE
  1108. MSc Marc Peeters Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
  1109. PhD Jennifer Leonard Biological Station of Donana (EBD-CSIC)
  1110. PhD Eloy Revilla Director of the Estacion Biologica de Doñana CSIC Spain
  1111. Professor José L. Tella Department of Conservation Biology, Biological Station of Doñana (CSIC), Sevilla, Spain
  1112. PhD Marina García Alfonso Doñana Biological Station (CSIC)
  1113. MSc Manuel Díaz Doñana Biological Station (EBD-CSIC)
  1114. Professor Annalena Cogoni University of Cagliari
  1115. PhD Enrique Gomez IRNAS-CSIC
  1116. MSc Filipa Grilo Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon
  1117. Professor Werner Greuter Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italy
  1118. MSc Arianna Longarini University of Pavia
  1119. PhD Andrea Éltető Centre for Economic and Regional Studies
  1120. MSc Stella Corona University of Pavia
  1121. Professor Franco Pedrotti University of Camerino, Italy
  1122. Professor Patrizia Campisi University of Palermo
  1123. PhD Gonçalo Duarte School of Agriculture, University of Lisbon
  1124. MSc Tiago Rodrigues Direção Regional dos Recursos Florestais
  1125. MSc Emese Dobos PhD Student at Corvinus University of Budapest
  1126. PhD Falko Brieger Forest Research Institute Baden-Wuerttemberg
  1127. MSc Lise Goudeseune Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS)
  1128. Professor Miguel Delibes Donana Biológical Station, CSIC, Spain
  1129. PhD L. Javier Palopmo University of Malaga , Spain
  1130. PhD Michał Żmihorski Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences
  1131. Professor Roberto Venanzoni Università di Perugia. Italy
  1132. Professor Manuel Gomes University of Lisbon, Portugal
  1133. MSc Van Braeckel Alexander Institute for Nature and Forest Research
  1134. MSc Julieta Costa Society for the Study of Birds (SPEA) Portugal
  1135. PhD István Finta Centre for Regional Studies Transdanubian Research Institute
  1136. PhD Edit Hoyk Associate professor John von Neumann University
  1137. PhD Monika Váradi senior researcher, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Budapest, Hungary
  1138. PhD Xavier Lecomte School of Agriculture, Lisbon, Portugal
  1139. PhD David Garcia Callejas Landcare Research, New Zealand
  1140. Professor Javier Juste Spanish Research Council (CSIC)
  1141. Professor Jusús Izco Professor of Botany/University of Santiago de Compostela/Spain
  1142. Professor Giancarlo Marconi Italian Council for Research (CNR)
  1143. PhD Hugo Rebelo CIBIO/BIOPOLIS
  1144. Professor David Gonçalves Biology Department, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto; CIBIO – Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources, InBIO Associated Laboratory, University of Porto, Portugal
  1145. MSc Jon Dickson NIOZ (Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research)
  1146. MSc Michał Adamowicz University of Warsaw
  1147. PhD Isabel García-Rodeja Gayoso University of Santiago de Compostela
  1148. PhD Catherine Albers Retired from USDA Forest Service
  1149. PhD Weronika Parfianowicz Institute of Polish Culture, Univeristy of Warsaw
  1150. PhD Marta Shaw Jagiellonian University
  1151. Professor Fiona Mathews University of Sussex and chair of Mammal Conservation Europe
  1152. MSc Pascal Bastien Forest engineer and fauna expert, former student at the Geobotanical station, Bialowieza
  1153. MSc Matteo Garzia University of L’Aquila – Italy
  1154. PhD Pablo Ferreras Wildlife Research Institute, Spanish National Research Council
  1155. MSc Pedro Alonso Alonso University of Arizona
  1156. MSc Ádám Szalai ELKH- Research Centre for Economic & Regional Studies
  1157. PhD José Jiménez Research Institute of Hunting Resources IREC-CSIC
  1158. Professor Ursula Hofle University of Castilla – La Mancha
  1159. PhD Hervé Levesque Lycée JP Vernant, Sèvres (92) France
  1160. MSc Francesca Boero Università di Genova
  1161. PhD Bicskei, Éva Eötvös Loránd Research Network
  1162. PhD Julita Korczyńska Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology PAS
  1163. Professor Carlo Montanari University of Genova (Italy)
  1164. PhD Diego Vicente Sastre University of Barcelona
  1165. MSc Zuzanna Pestka Department of Vertebrate Ecology and Zoology, University of Gdansk
  1166. PhD José A Blanco University Castilla la Mancha
  1167. MSc Henriette Tripke Forest Research Institute Baden-Wuerttemberg
  1168. PhD Duccio Tampucci Italian Botanical Society
  1169. PhD Luis Palma CIBIO. Research Centre in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources
  1170. PhD Sławomir Mitrus University of Opole, Poland
  1171. PhD Carlos Gutierrez Exposito Estacion Biologica de Doñana
  1172. PhD Julio Blas Spanish Research Council CSIC
  1173. PhD Orly Razgour University of Exeter
  1174. Professor Leonardo Filesi IUAV Università of Venice
  1175. PhD Ana Maria Monsalve Cuartas CEABN (Portugal)- Tesoros Verdes (Colombia)
  1176. PhD Floris Vanderhaeghe Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)
  1177. Professor Ross MacLeod Liverpool John Moores University
  1178. PhD Corrado Marcenò University of Perugia (Italy)
  1179. Professor Laurent Breton Université Gustave Eiffel (https://www.univ-gustave-eiffel.fr/en/the-university/about-us/)
  1180. MSc Ilaria Cella University of Pavia
  1181. PhD Davor Kržišnik University of Ljubljana, Biotechical faculty
  1182. Professor Andrzej Ziemba Mossakowski Medical Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences
  1183. PhD Marta Latini Sapienza University of Rome
  1184. PhD Astrid Vik Stronen University of Ljubljana
  1185. PhD Christoph Meyer University of Salford, UK
  1186. Professor Bruno Pavoni Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia (Italia)
  1187. MSc Riccardo Albericci Botanical Garden of Genoa Municipality
  1188. PhD Lucinda Kirkpatrick Universiteit Antwerpen
  1189. MSc Caterina Dabala’ CORILA
  1190. PhD Eduardo Ferreira Department of Biology & CESAM, University of Aveiro
  1191. MSc Sofia Vale Universidade de Aveiro
  1192. PhD Maria Teresa Dias Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes (cE3c), Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa
  1193. PhD Filipa Vala Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes – cE3c (Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon)
  1194. Professor Harold Levrel AgroParisTech – CIRED
  1195. PhD Maria Monteiro Polytechnic institute of Castelo Branco, Portugal
  1196. Professor Dario Azzaro University of Catania
  1197. PhD Robert Maślak University of Wrocław, Faculty of Biological Science
  1198. PhD Rita Covas CIBIO-InBio, University of Porto (Portugal)
  1199. MSc Teresa Santos Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
  1200. MSc Daniel Alves CE3C and Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
  1201. PhD Nuno Santos CIBIO, University of Porto
  1202. PhD Jakub P. Fichna Mossakowski Medical Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences
  1203. PhD Alberto García Rodríguez Doñana Biological Station EBD – CSIC (Spain)
  1204. MSc Christian Vaquero-Stainer University of Manchester
  1205. Professor Fernando Hiraldo Research Profesor ad honoren, CSIC
  1206. MSc Joe Copper Jack Yukon First Nation Elder & Indigenous Knowledge Holder & Land Relationship Planner
  1207. PhD José Monteiro Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco, Portugal
  1208. Professor Martha Cuartas Politecnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid
  1209. PhD Carlos Fernandes University of Lisbon, Portugal
  1210. MSc Dr Luca Lapini Friulian Natural History Museun Udine Italy
  1212. PhD Pelayo Acevedo Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
  1213. Professor Siaussat David Sorbonne University (France)
  1214. PhD Joaquin Vicente IREC-CSIC-UCLM
  1215. Professor Ferenc JORDAN University of Parma
  1216. PhD Mariacristina Villani University of Padua – Botanical Garden
  1217. PhD Javier Naves Estación Biológica de Doñana – CSIC (Spain)
  1218. PhD Suzanne van Beeck Calkoen University of Freiburg
  1219. MSc Geert Sioen Scientist Research Institute for Nature and Forest – Flanders (Belgium)
  1220. Professor Marcin Broniatowski Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University in Kraków
  1221. MSc Mauro Bon Museum of Natural History of Venice
  1222. MSc Anne-Julie Rochette Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
  1223. MSc Chiara Dall’Angelo CORILA Consorzio per il coordinamento delle ricerche inerenti al sistema lagunare di Venezia
  1224. Professor Pietro Piussi University of Firenze, Italy, formerly professor of Ecology and Silviculture
  1225. Professor Rafael Mateo Institute for Game and Wildlife Research (IREC), CSIC-UCLM-JCCM, Spain
  1226. PhD Wolf Huetteroth Leipzig University
  1227. PhD Filippo Favilli Eurac Research
  1228. PhD Fabrizio Sergio Estacion Biologica de Doñana – CSIC (Spain)
  1229. MSc Isabelle Cavalli SELC SOC. COOP.
  1230. PhD Beatriz Arroyo Game and Wildlife Research Centre (IREC-CSIC-UCLM)
  1231. PhD Morelle Kevin Max Planck Institute for Animal Behaviour
  1232. PhD Maylis Desrousseaux National conservatory of arts and crafts, Paris, France
  1233. MSc Elisa Kerschbaumer Interreg Alpine Space
  1234. PhD Jozef Sibik Plant Science and Biodiversity Center Slovak Academy of Sciences
  1235. Professor Kollo Janos Institute of Economics, Budapest, Hungary
  1236. PhD Tiphaine Ouisse National Museum of Natural History (Paris, France)
  1237. MSc Lucia Manzanares Intitute of Forestry and Nature (INBO, from dutch name)
  1238. MSc Adrian Krezlik University of Porto
  1239. MSc Graziana Fiorini Società Botanica Italiana, ex Università degli Studi di Firenze qc
  1240. PhD Ivan Jarolímek Slovak Academy of Sciences
  1241. PhD David Serrano Doñana Biological Station (CSIC)
  1242. PhD Mária Šibíková Institute of Botany, Plant Science and Biodiversity Center, Slovak Academy of Sciences
  1243. PhD Joanna Kohyt University of Silesia
  1244. MSc Marco Zanetti Bioprogramm s.c.
  1245. PhD Ulrike Schlägel University of Potsdam, Germany
  1246. PhD Veronica Malavasi Charles University
  1247. MSc Ronny Segers Ghent University Ugent
  1248. Professor Simonetta Giordano University Federico II, Napoli, Italy
  1249. MSc Leonor Carvalho Aveiro’s University
  1250. PhD Luca Puglisi Tuscan Ornithological Society
  1251. PhD Manuel Tiburtini University of Pisa
  1252. MSc Andrea Bertoncin CISBA – Centro Italiano Studi di Biologia
  1253. PhD Laura Bosco Finnish Museum of Natural History
  1254. PhD Adrienne Ortmann-Ajkai University of Pécs, Hungary
  1255. MSc Ewa Komar Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences
  1256. MSc Marina Aucejo Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
  1257. Professor Emanuele Lingua University of Padova
  1258. MSc Tancredi Guerrasio University of Sassari
  1259. PhD Enrica Pollonara Tuscan Ornithological Society
  1260. Professor Tiziana Angrisano Department of Biology at University Federico II of Naples, Italy
  1261. Professor María Diago University of Valencia (Spain)
  1262. MSc Erio Bosi Civiltà Ecologica
  1263. PhD Simone Tenan National Research Council of Italy (CNR)
  1264. PhD Paola Bartolommei Tuscan Ornithological Center (COT)
  1265. PhD Stefan Kreft Society for Conservation Biology – Europe Section, Policy Committee
  1266. MSc MARCO FRANCHINI Tuscan Ornithological Society
  1267. PhD Dobromil Galvánek Plant Science and Biodiversity Centre, Slovak Academy of Sciences
  1268. PhD Stefano Masier CNRS Montpellier
  1269. PhD Guillaume Bal French National Museum of Natural History
  1270. PhD Miguel Clavero Doñana Biological Station – CSIC (Sevilla, Spain)
  1271. PhD Benjamín Jarčuška Institute of Forest Ecology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Zvolen, Slovakia
  1272. PhD Wojciech Gajek Intitute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences
  1273. MSc Anahita Sattari Insitute of Environmental Protection, Warsaw
  1274. MSc Salvatore Andrea Cafiero University of Pisa
  1275. MSc Michał Śmielak University of New England
  1276. MSc Sara Cioccarelli University of Pisa
  1277. MSc Giancarlo Battaglia Tuscan Ornithological Society
  1278. Professor Pierre L. Ibisch Centre for Econics and Ecosystem Management, Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development, Germany
  1279. PhD Santina Soru University of Cagliari
  1280. PhD Nejc Thaler Project manager at Silvaprodukt d.o.o., Slovenia
  1281. Professor Anna Capaldo University Federico II
  1282. PhD Andrzej Lesicki (former rector of Adam Mickiewicz Uniwersity, Poznań) Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
  1283. PhD Dorota Kidawa University of Gdansk
  1284. MSc Magdalena Wlodarz University Potsdam
  1285. MSc Mateusz Barcikowski University of Gdańsk
  1286. PhD Diana Galdenzi Marche Polytechnic University
  1287. PhD Catarina Grilo Associação Natureza Portugal
  1288. MSc Martyna Cendrowska Department of Ecology, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, Prague Czech Republic
  1289. PhD Marta Maziarz Museum and Institute of Zoology Polish Academy of Sciences
  1290. MSc Agnieszka Kowalczyk Jagiellonian University
  1291. MSc Dário Hipólito CESAM & Department of Biology, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal and Department of Biology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
  1292. Professor Carolina Pugliese University of Florence
  1293. PhD Katarzyna Zmudczyńska-Skarbek University of Gdańsk
  1294. PhD RK Broughton UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
  1295. PhD Lenka Prochazkova Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
  1296. MSc Hermann Nils University of Potsdam
  1297. MSc Sandro Sacchetti CentrOrnitologicoToscano (COT)
  1298. PhD Orlando Tomassini University of Pisa
  1299. Professor Dimitri Giunchi University of Pisa
  1300. MSc Carlos Bautista Institute of Nature Conservation -IOP PAN-
  1301. PhD Alwin Hardenbol Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Eastern Finland
  1302. MSc Marzena Marzec-Stasiak University of Life Sciences in Lublin
  1303. Professor Rachele isticato University of Naples
  1304. PhD Aleksandra Sima Geo-Agri Solutions
  1305. Professor Giovanni Iazzetti University of Naples „Federico II”
  1306. PhD Alice Carravieri La Rochelle University
  1307. Professor Jon Eugene Swenson Norwegian University of Life Sciences
  1308. MSc Agnes Ovari University of Pécs, Hungary
  1309. MSc Edith Bucher Office of Nature, Province of South Tyrol (Italy)
  1310. MSc Lodier Tiphaine University of Western Brittany
  1311. MSc Eszter Sarolta Pos Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter
  1312. Professor An Cliquet Ghent University
  1313. Professor Jose Padial University of Granada
  1314. PhD Jason Newton University of Glasgow
  1315. PhD Matteo Baini Tuscan Ornithological Society
  1316. PhD Tereza Petrusková Charles University
  1317. MSc Laura Silva Lipu BirdLife Italy
  1318. PhD Marta Cyz GTK Finland
  1319. PhD Michał Goc University of Gdańsk, Dpt. Vertebrate Ecology & Zoology (retired)red)
  1320. Professor Carlo Blasi Sapienza University of Rome
  1321. MSc Paolo Sposimo Centro Ornitologico Toscano
  1322. MSc Marion Devogel University of Gdansk
  1323. PhD Terezia Horvathova Department of Aquatic Ecology, EAWAG, Dubendorf, Switzerland
  1324. Professor Roberto Canullo School of Bisociences and Veterinary Medicine, University of Camerino, Italy
  1325. MSc Safiya Praleskouskaya University of Perugia
  1326. PhD Jakub Zarsky Charles University, Dept. of Ecology
  1327. PhD Cecilia Cacciatori Departement of Forest Biodiversity, Faculty of Forestry, University of Agriculture in Krakow
  1328. PhD Bruno Hay Mele University of Naples Federico II
  1329. PhD Lieve Billiet PSC St. Alexius-Elsene
  1330. PhD Victor András Society for Env. Ed. in Hungary
  1331. PhD Grzegorz Zaniewicz Department of Vertebrate Ecology and Zoology, University of Gdańsk
  1332. Professor Klaas van Dort Forestfun Wageningen
  1333. PhD Tanja Peric University of Udine
  1334. PhD Marta Cholewa University of Wrocław
  1335. PhD Ulrike Gamper Ufficio Natura, Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano, Italy
  1336. MSc Devis Casetta Veneto Biologist association
  1337. PhD Adam Pyzik Lublin University of Technology
  1338. PhD Michał Kuniecki Jagiellonian University
  1339. Professor Agata Weydmann-Zwolicka University of Gdańsk
  1340. MSc Joana Fernandes CESAM & Department of Biology, University of Aveiro
  1341. PhD Ondrej Sedlacek Charles University
  1342. MSc Gianni Tognon Società botanica italiana
  1343. Professor Magdalena Witek Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Science, ul. Wilcza 64, 00-679 Warsaw
  1344. MSc Katarzyna Kamionka-Kanclerska Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities
  1345. Professor Lucia Santorufo University of Naples Federico II
  1346. PhD TADEUSZ MIZERA Poznan University Live Sciences
  1347. Professor Davide Travaglini University of Florence
  1348. MSc Adriana Príncipe Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes (cE3c/FCUL)
  1349. Professor Manuel Serra Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology; University of Valencia; Spain
  1350. MSc Michelle Henley Scottish Wildlife Trust
  1351. MSc Melanie Batista Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon
  1352. Professor Allan McDevitt University of Salford
  1353. MSc Ariët Kieskamp Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
  1354. PhD Ewan Wakefield Durham University, UK
  1355. MSc Francesco Santi University of Bologna
  1356. PhD Andrej Mock Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Košice, Slovakia, Faculty of Science, Institute od Biology and Ecology
  1357. Professor MARAGE Damien University of Franche-Comté
  1358. PhD Jeffrey A Klemens Thomas Jefferson University
  1359. PhD Fatima Perez de Heredia Liverpool John Moores University LJMU
  1360. MSc Oliwia Karpińska Siedlce University
  1361. PhD Marco Giardini Istituto d’Istruzione Superiore via Roma 298 Guidonia
  1362. Professor Ikki Matsuda Chubu University Academy of Emerging Sciences
  1363. PhD Asta Audzijonyte Nature Research Centre, Lithuania
  1364. MSc Andrea Chemello University of Pisa
  1365. PhD Krystyna Kozioł Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz
  1366. Professor Giovanni Bacaro University of Trieste, Department of Life Sciences
  1367. MSc Eliška Kučerová Charles University – Faculty of Science
  1368. PhD Maria Judite Alves Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
  1369. MSc Giulio Ferretti University of Florence, Department of Biology
  1370. MSc Francesco Nobile University of Pisa
  1371. MSc Elisa Simi Tuscan Ornithological Society
  1372. Professor Dariusz Jakubas University of Gdańsk, Faculty of Biology
  1373. Professor Duško Ćirović University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology
  1374. MSc Anna Teresa Potenza Pisa University
  1375. MSc Silvia Tioli Bioprogramm s.c
  1376. MSc Elisabetta Flor MUSE – Science Museum of Trento
  1377. PhD Krzysztof Kolenda Department of Evolutionary Biology and Conservation of Vertebrates, University of Wrocław
  1378. Professor Alessandro Chiarucci Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna
  1379. PhD Chiara Bettega MUSE – Science Museum of Trento
  1380. MSc Massimiliano Apruzzese University of Bologna
  1381. MSc Marta Witkowska Deptartament of Vertebrate Ecology and Zoology, Faculty of Biology, University of Gdańsk
  1382. PhD Michele Lussu University of Bologna
  1383. Professor Ernesto Occhiato University of Florence, Italy
  1384. PhD Luana Francesconi University of Bologna
  1385. MSc MIGUEL DE GABRIEL HERNANDO Doñana Biological Station CSIC
  1386. PhD Tamara Münkemüller Laboratoire d’Ecologie Alpine (LECA), CNRS & Université Grenoble Alpes, France
  1387. PhD Michele Torresani University of Bologna
  1388. PhD Maja Lazarus Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health, Zagreb, Croatia
  1389. Professor Juan Carranza University of Córdoba, Spain
  1390. MSc Lieve Vriens Research Institute for Nature and Forest (Brussels)
  1391. PhD Marco Cervellini Post-doc Biodiversity & Macroecology Group Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna Via Irnerio 42, 40126, Bologna, Italy
  1392. PhD Lucia Martinelli MUSE – Science Museum, Trento, Italy
  1393. PhD Ugo Arbieu Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (SBiK-F)
  1394. PhD Fabrizio Buldrini Dept. of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of Bologna (Italy)
  1395. PhD Irene Garcia Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas CSIC
  1396. MSc Lourenco Falcao Rodrigues Autonomous University of Madrid
  1397. MSc Aida Parres Institute of Nature Conservation, PAN
  1398. PhD Federico Valverde Sapnish National Research Council (CSIC)
  1399. PhD M Carmen Limon University of Seville
  1400. PhD Arkadiusz Białek Institute of Psychology, Jagiellonian University
  1401. PhD Alberto Vélez Martín Universidad de Huelva
  1402. PhD Anna Krzywoszynska University of Sheffield
  1403. Professor Hannah Boast University College Dublin
  1404. MSc Maud Raman International Network of Basin Organizations INBO
  1405. MSc Clara Ferreira University of Potsdam
  1406. PhD Frances Harris University of Hertfordshire
  1407. MSc Vanessa Bruzzaniti University of Bologna
  1408. PhD José Vicente López-Bao Biodiversity Research Institute (CSIC – Oviedo University – Principality of Asturias). Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
  1409. PhD Marlee Tucker Radboud University
  1410. PhD Koen Kuipers Radboud University
  1411. PhD Jiajia Liu Fudan University
  1412. PhD Rob Lenders Department of Environmental Science, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
  1413. Professor Roberto Cazzolla Gatti University of Bologna
  1414. MSc Juan Gallego-Zamorano Radboud University
  1415. MSc Peter Roskams Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) – Belgium-Flanders
  1416. Professor Luca Pietro Casacci Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology, University of Turin, Turin, Italy
  1417. MSc Heidi Demolder Research Institute for Nature and Forest
  1418. PhD Ewa Pocheć Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Biology
  1419. PhD Jelle Hilbers Radboud University
  1420. MSc Antoine Grissot University of Gdansk, Dept of Vertebrate Ecology and Zoology
  1421. Professor Giulia Maisto Department of Biology, University of Naples Federico II
  1422. Professor Carmen Zamora-Muñoz Dpto Zoology. University of Granada. Spain
  1423. PhD Christophe Baltzinger INRAE – National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food
  1424. Professor Francisco Pérez-Bernal University of Huelva
  1425. MSc Maria Psaralexi Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
  1426. MSc Giorgos Xanthopoulos Department of Forestry and Management of Environment and Natural Resources, Democritus University of Thrace, N. Orestiada, Greece
  1427. MSc Cassandra Vogel University of Würzburg
  1428. PhD Gema Trigos Peral Museum and Institute of Zoology (PAS)
  1429. MSc Ludovico Chieffallo Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna
  1430. MSc Anna Müller Paris Lodron University Salzburg
  1431. Professor Raimund Tenhaken University of Salzburg, Austria
  1432. Professor Peter Steinbacher University of Salzburg, Austria
  1433. PhD Öyküm Öztürk Eberswalde University for Sustainable Developement
  1434. PhD Claudio Groff Wildlife Department, Autonomous Province of Trento – Italy
  1435. PhD Bjarne Friedrichs University of Salzburg
  1436. PhD Beate Apfelbeck University of Salzburg
  1437. Professor Walter Stoiber Dept. Environment & Biodiversity, University of Salzburg, Austria
  1438. PhD Sophie von Merten Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, Portugal
  1439. MSc Thomas Rupp University of Salzburg, Department of Environment & Biodiversity
  1440. PhD Clara Grilo CESAM – Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies
  1441. MSc Anna Sommer Department of Environment & Biodiversity, University of Salzburg
  1442. PhD Karin Gross Department of Environment and Biodiversity, Paris Lodron University of Salzburg
  1443. PhD Osvaldo Negra MUSE – Science Museum in Trento – Italy
  1444. PhD Davide Serva Department of Life, Health and Environmental Sciences, University of L’Aquila
  1445. MSc Kalle Nilsson Lund University
  1446. PhD Sabina Pierużek-Nowak Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw
  1447. MSc Emma Kärrnäs Lund University
  1448. MSc JAMELSKA PATRYCJA KLARA Lund University,
  1449. PhD Malin Undin Mid Sweden University
  1450. PhD Miroslav Kutal Mendel University, Brno
  1451. PhD Jennie Sandström Mid Sweden University, Sweden
  1452. PhD Sarah Coker University of Georgia
  1453. PhD Jonas Eberle University of Salzburg
  1454. PhD Mattias Edman Mid Sweden University, Sweden
  1455. PhD Anja Hoerger University of Salzburg
  1456. PhD Ronald Henry L. DISNEY Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, UK
  1457. PhD Alberto Fernández-Gil Doñana Biological Station (CSIC)
  1458. MSc Benoît Pichon IEES, Sorbonne University
  1459. Professor Stefan Dötterl Paris Lodron University Salzburg
  1460. MSc BENEAT Marine IEES Paris, Sorbonne University
  1461. Professor Jacques GIGNOUX CNRS (France)
  1462. MSc Capoduro Rémi Sorbonne University
  1463. PhD Antoine Taupenot IEES, Sorbonne University
  1464. Professor Olivier Fouché-Grobla French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development
  1465. Professor Laurence Walch Sorbonne University
  1466. PhD Joaquim Tapisso Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon
  1467. PhD Paweł Szymański Department of Behavioural Ecology, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University
  1468. MSc Bajomi, Bálint University of Debrecen, Hungary
  1469. PhD Mário Rui Canelas Boieiro University of the Azores
  1470. PhD Marco Salvatori Muse, Science Museum of Trento, Trento, Italy/ University of Firenze, department of biology, Firenze, Italy.
  1471. Professor Andreas Tribsch University of Salzburg, Austria
  1472. PhD Victor Bandeira Universidade de Aveiro
  1473. Professor Judy Shamoun-Baranes Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
  1474. PhD Rakosy Demetra Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ
  1475. PhD T’ai G. W. Forte University of Parma
  1476. Professor Yvan Kraepiel Sorbonne University
  1477. Professor Gyula Katona Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics, Budapest, Węgry
  1478. Professor Assaf Shwartz Technion – Israeli Institute of Technology
  1479. Professor Piotr Banaszuk Białystok University of Technology
  1480. PhD Gabor Pozsgai University of the Azores, Portugal
  1481. Professor Edward Sinski University of Warsaw
  1482. PhD Brian Perroud Tuscan Ornithological Society
  1483. Professor David Lusseau Technical University of Denmark
  1484. MSc Agnieszka Jonczy, MA University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol
  1485. MSc Jakub Grzybek Salzburg university of Applied sciences
  1486. Professor Marta Nebot Sanz University of Barcelona
  1487. PhD Alfred Stach Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, POLAND
  1488. PhD Flo van Noppen Landcare Research (NZ)
  1489. MSc Manuel Bellio Bioprogramm Scientific Company
  1490. PhD Dragica Purger University of Pécs, Hungary
  1491. Professor Macarena Castro Cádiz University. Spain
  1492. Professor Danio Miserocchi Istituto Comprensivo Valle Savio – Mercato Saraceno
  1493. MSc Sophia Deinhart University Hohenheim
  1494. MSc Teresa Berezowska-Cnota Institute of Nature Conservation, Polish Academy of Sciences
  1495. Professor Radoslaw Wlodarczyk University of Lodz
  1496. PhD Kinga Öllerer Instutute of Biology Bucharest, Romania; Centre for Ecological Research, Hungary
  1497. MSc Damaris Margaritis Black Forest National Park
  1498. PhD Anikó Csecserits Centre for Ecological Research, Institute of Ecology and Botany
  1499. PhD Ákos Bede-Fazekas Centre for Ecological Research
  1500. PhD Attila Takács Debrecen (Hungary)
  1501. PhD Robert Gwiazda Institute of Nature Conservation PAS
  1502. MSc Kenny Hessel INBO
  1503. PhD Flora Tinya Centre for Ecological Research, Institute of Ecology and Botany
  1504. PhD Julian Klein Swedish species information center (SLU)
  1505. Professor Patricia GENET Institut of ecology and environmental sciences of Paris
  1506. MSc Kunz Florin Larger Carnivores Monitoring Program KORA
  1507. Professor Dua Vera Centre for Sustainable development – UGhent
  1508. PhD Valeria Mazza University of Potsdam
  1509. PhD Radomir Jaskuła Department of Invertebrate Zoology & Hydrobiology, University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland
  1510. PhD Daszkiewicz Piotr Institute of History of Science Polish Academy of Sciences
  1511. MSc Edina Csákvári Centre for Ecological Research, Institute of Ecology and Botany, Vácrátót, Hungary
  1512. MSc Paul Shimmings BirdLife Norway
  1513. PhD Flavia Domizia Nardi University of Salzburg
  1514. Professor Zoltán Botta-Dukát Centre for Ecological Research, Hungary
  1515. Professor Gianluca Piovesan University of Tuscia
  1516. Professor David Pozo Perez University of Seville, Seville, Spain
  1517. Professor Paola Venditti University of Naples Federico II Department of Biology
  1518. MSc Milagros Pallavicini University of Manchester
  1519. PhD Julia Geue Umeå University
  1520. Professor Nina Sletvold Uppsala University
  1521. PhD Alexander Solokha Losiny Ostrov (Elk Island) National Park, Scientific Researcher
  1522. PhD Andrzej Kamocki Bialystok University of Technology; Society for Habitat Protection ProHabitat
  1523. MSc Fatima Hayatli Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Łódź || OTOP/BirdLife Poland
  1524. MSc Jens Benöhr Ludwig Maximilian Universität
  1525. Professor Sandra Bouwhuis Institute of Avian Research
  1526. MSc László Zoltán Department of Plant Systematics, Ecology and Theoretical Biology, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
  1527. PhD Agnieszka Błońska University of Silesia in Katowice
  1528. MSc Agata Kloczkowska Centrum Dziedzictwa Przyrody Górnego Sląska
  1529. Professor Carla Corazza Museum od Natural History of Ferrara and University of Ferrara (Italy)
  1530. PhD Orr Comay Tel Aviv University
  1531. Professor Paul Racey University of Exeter
  1532. MSc Anna Osiecka University of Gdańsk
  1533. PhD Michał Jakiel Institute of Geography and Spatial Management, Jagiellonian University
  1534. PhD Karolina Bącela-Spychalska University of Lodz
  1535. PhD Gábor Ónodi Centre for Ecological Research, Institute of Ecology and Botany H-2163 Hungary Vácrátót Alkotmány 2-4.
  1536. PhD Monika Baranowska Department of invertebrate zoology and hydrobiology
  1537. PhD Anna Drozd University of Lodz, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection
  1538. PhD Stephen Venn University of Lodz
  1539. PhD Emma Palacios Theil University of Łódź, Faculty of Biology
  1540. PhD Łukasz Trębicki University of Lodz
  1541. MSc Svitlana Kudrenko Frankfurt Zoological Society, University of Freiburg
  1542. PhD De Keersmaeker Luc Forest Ecologist at the Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO), Flanders (Belgium)
  1543. PhD Mihoub Jean-baptiste Sorbonne Université – National Museum of Natural History (France)
  1544. PhD Iwona Słowińska Faculty of Biology & Environmental Protection, University of Lodz
  1545. Professor Michał Grabowski Department of Invertebrate Zoology & Hydrobiology, University of Lodz
  1546. MSc Lorenzo Ricci University of L’Aquila
  1547. PhD Alexander V. Artemyev Leading researcher, Institute of Biology Karelian Research Centre Russian Academy of Sciences, Petrozavodsk, 185910 Russia
  1548. Professor Piotr Indykiewicz Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology
  1549. MSc Marie Pratzer Humboldt-University Berlin
  1550. Professor Tibor Erős Balaton Limnological Research Institute
  1551. PhD Romain Lorrilliere MNHN, CESCO (France)
  1552. PhD Ana Reis Faculdade de Ciências- University of Lisboa
  1553. MSc Ilario Zuppani LIPU birdlife
  1554. MSc Georg Rüppel Institute for Bird Research IfV
  1555. PhD Agnieszka Sowa University of Lodz, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, Departament of Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology
  1556. MSc Luís Soares Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto
  1557. Professor Nicola Varotto Università di Padova
  1558. Professor Álvaro Navarro Castilla Autonomous University of Madrid
  1559. MSc Sylwia Pietrzak University of Lodz
  1560. MSc Barbara Anselmi Murlo’s Cultural Association
  1561. PhD Anna Jażdżewska University of Lodz
  1562. PhD Marc Gimenez Maranges Department of Geography and Geology, University of Salzburg (Salzburg, Austria)
  1563. Professor Jacek SICIŃSKI University of Łódź, Poland
  1564. PhD Tamás Görföl Nature Conservation Foundation of Tolna County, Hungary
  1565. MSc Krisztián Kiss Eötvös Loránd University
  1566. MSc Sebastian Govaerts University of Manchester
  1567. PhD Mihály Máté Wigner RCP
  1568. MSc Marta Gellert University of Lodz
  1569. MSc Jakob Huber Technical University of Munich
  1570. PhD Carla Marchetti National Research Council of Italy
  1571. PhD Paweł Krąż Institute of Geography, Department of Geoecology and Geoinformation, Pedagogical University of Krakow
  1572. PhD Michał Czepkiewicz Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
  1573. PhD Danuta Jedraszko-Dabrowska Faculty of Biology, Warsaw University
  1574. PhD Hajnalka Szentgyörgyi Jagiellonian University in Kraków
  1575. MSc Priszcilla Hafenscher Eötvös Loránd University · Institute of Biology
  1576. Professor Giorgio vacchiano University of Milan
  1577. MSc Fiona Kettner Freie Universität Berlin
  1578. PhD GODEFROID Sandrine Meise Botanic Garden
  1579. PhD Jānis Ozoliņš Latvian State Forest Research Institute SILAVA
  1580. MSc Tom Minich University of Haifa
  1581. PhD Karine Pigeon Government of British Columbia, Canada
  1582. PhD Anja Molinari-Jobin KORA, Switzerland
  1583. Professor Francis Hallé Professor Emeritus of the University of Montpellier
  1584. PhD Agnieszka Kloch University of Warsaw
  1585. PhD Krzysztof Podwysocki University of Lodz, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection
  1586. PhD Katarzyna Janik-Superson University of Lodz
  1587. Professor Rui Rebelo Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon
  1588. Professor Hans de Kroon Professor of Plant Ecology, Radboud University
  1589. Professor Magdaloena Błażewicz University of Lodz
  1590. Professor Piet Verdonschot University of Amsterdam (IBED), Wageningen University (WEnR)
  1591. PhD Anne Scharf Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior
  1592. MSc Julian Oeser Humboldt University of Berlin
  1593. PhD Mariasole Calbi Università di Firenze
  1594. PhD SabineHille Universität für Bodenkultur
  1595. PhD Marta López Darias Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas CSIC
  1596. PhD Andrea Piccinini University of Teramo
  1597. Professor Alessia Masi Sapienza University of Rome
  1598. PhD Ulrike Ruprecht Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg
  1599. MSc Griesberger Paul University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Department of Integrative Biology and Biodiversity Research, Institute of Wildlife Biology and Game Management
  1600. Professor Szymon Wichary Jagiellonian University in Krakow
  1601. MSc Jennifer Hatlauf Institute of Wildlife Biology and Game Management, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, BOKU Vienna
  1602. PhD Maciej Kamiński Department of Biodiversity Studies, Teacher Training and Bioeducation, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Łódź
  1603. PhD Eva Schöll University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences
  1604. PhD Dr Juan Carlos Blanco Conservation Biology Consultants
  1605. PhD Bartosz Janic Department of Ecology and Vertebrate Zoology; University of Lodz
  1606. Professor Joanna Grabowska University of Lodz Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection
  1607. PhD Magdalena Moryl University of Lodz Department of Biology of Bacteria
  1608. MSc Dominika Szczerbiec Department of Biology of Bacteria, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Lodz, Poland
  1609. PhD Jack Hartley University of Oxford
  1610. PhD Inês Dommingues University of Aveiro
  1611. PhD Anne Ausems University of Gdańsk, Dept. of Vertebrate Ecology and Zoology
  1612. Professor Neftalí Sillero University of Porto
  1613. PhD Joachim Moens University College Ghent
  1614. MSc Flora van Eupen Wageningen University
  1615. Professor Krzysztof Pabis University of Lodz
  1616. PhD Deparis Muriel UMR 7324 CNRS CITERES
  1617. PhD Thomas Cornulier University of Aberdeen
  1618. PhD Albert Sébastien Université de la Réunion
  1619. MSc Lucia Villarroya Swiss Federeal Research Institut for Forest, Snow and Landscape
  1620. MSc Andre Catherine Jujols Natural Reserve (France, Pyrenees)
  1621. MSc Emilie WICHROFF Syndicat du Haut-Rhône
  1622. MSc Rasmussen Bruno National Agronomical Institute of France
  1623. PhD Brady Mattsson Institute of Wildlife Biology and Game Management, Department of Integrative Biology and Biodiversity Research, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
  1624. PhD Frederic Revers INRAE
  1625. Professor Estienne Rodary French Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD)
  1626. MSc Maria Andrade Universidade de Aveiro&CESAM
  1627. MSc Alexandra Machado CESAM, University of Lisbon
  1628. MSc Simão Maia University of Aveiro
  1629. Professor Paulo Silveira University of Aveiro
  1630. PhD Joana Lourenço University of Aveiro
  1631. PhD Vítor Oliveira University of Aveiro
  1632. Professor Mário Cerqueira University of Aveiro, Portugal
  1633. MSc Violeta Ferreira University of Aveiro – CESAM research centre
  1634. PhD Diana Madeira Universidade de Aveiro (PORTUGAL)
  1635. PhD Clotilde Biard Lecturer in Ecology at Sorbonne University, Paris, France
  1636. PhD Charles C. Chester Brandeis & Tufts Universities; EarthWeb.info
  1637. Professor Jesus Dubert Department of Physics, Aveiro University, Portugal
  1638. Professor Deodalia Dias University of Lisbon, Portugal
  1639. MSc Inês Macário University of Aveiro
  1640. PhD Carla Gama CESAM & Department of Environment and Planning, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
  1641. PhD Ana Marta Aleixo Polytecnhic of Leiria
  1642. PhD Sofia Tavares University of Aveiro
  1643. PhD Bruna Oliveira University of Aveiro, Portugal
  1644. PhD Fabianne Ribeiro CESAM & University of Aveiro
  1645. PhD Piotr Dąbrowski Academy of Physical Education (em.)
  1646. PhD Francesca Odetti Tuscan Ornithological Society
  1647. PhD Roberto Martins University of Aveiro
  1648. PhD Mayrhofer Rita University of Live Sciences and Natural Ressources Vienna
  1649. PhD Jamie McCallum Transfrontier International
  1650. PhD Vaidas Balys Association for Nature Conservation „Baltijos vilkas”
  1651. PhD Isabel Maria Cunha Antunes Lopes CESAM & Department of Biology, University of Aveiro
  1652. PhD Marta Monteiro University of Aveiro
  1653. MSc Lise Thomasset University of Burgundy, Dijon
  1654. MSc Louise Jeandroz INRAE
  1655. PhD Teresa Catry University of Lisbon
  1656. PhD Ascensão Ravara University of Aveiro
  1657. PhD Clémence Boivin University of Quebec in Abitibi-Temiscamingue (UQAT)
  1658. PhD Nicolas Romillac Naples Zoological Station-Anton Dohrn
  1659. PhD Ana Cerveira Assistant Researcher, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugalr
  1660. PhD Ismael Casotti Rienda University of Aveiro
  1661. PhD Maria Bastos University of Aveiro (Department of Environment and Planning)
  1662. MSc Ilka Reinhardt LUPUS – German Institute for wolf monitoring and research
  1663. Professor Patricia Meunier French environnemental association/Nature18
  1664. PhD Letícia Brito University of Aveiro
  1665. Professor Beata Gola Jagiellonian University in Krakow
  1666. Professor Harald Pauli Austrian Academy of Sciences
  1667. PhD Bertrand Bouchard CEFE-CNRS
  1668. MSc Lacheny Benjamin Jardinier botaniste – régissent travaux en propriété privées
  1669. Professor Tomas Pärt The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
  1670. MSc Cláudio Brandão University of Aveiro
  1671. PhD Philippe Bonneil Arbosphère – treeclimbing, technical et scientific support in trees
  1672. PhD Joanna Legeżyńska Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences
  1673. PhD Sergey Kouzov Saint-Petersbourg State University, Saint-Petersbourg, Russia
  1674. PhD Sirgi Saar University of Tartu
  1675. MSc Schüßler, Dominik University of Hildesheim
  1676. PhD Matheus Miranda Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies (CESAM)
  1677. PhD Eva Malecore University of Bern
  1678. PhD Jimena Golcher-Benavides Lees-McRae College, North Carolina
  1679. PhD Joshua Nightingale University of Aveiro
  1680. Professor Miroslav Svoboda Czech University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences
  1681. Professor Marchetti Dino Pisa University
  1682. Professor Keith Hobson Professor of Biology, Western University, Canada
  1683. MSc Danai-Eleni Michailidou Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
  1684. MSc Victor Jorquera Olave TU Dresden
  1685. PhD Anil Soyumert Assoc. Prof.
  1686. MSc Marlotte Jonker uni Freiburg / Dutch mammal society
  1687. PhD Anna Kubátová Charles University, Prague
  1688. MSc Alessio Mo University of Pisa
  1689. PhD Ciarniello Independent Research Scientist
  1690. PhD Slaven Reljic Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Zagreb University
  1691. MSc Inès Gayral National Museum of Natural History
  1692. PhD Adrien Jacotot CNRS
  1693. MSc Theresa Stratmann Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Center
  1694. PhD Neil Simcock Liverpool John Moores University
  1695. PhD Arie L. Spaans Wageningen University
  1696. PhD John J Beecham Independent Researcher
  1697. MSc Mariana Raposo University of Aveiro
  1698. Professor Emilia Poli Catania University – Italy
  1699. PhD VAN DER LOO Wessel Research associate University of Porto
  1700. PhD Ewa Urban Narodowy Instytut Zdrowia Publicznego-PZH
  1701. PhD David Garshelis IUCN SSC Bear Specialist Group
  1702. Professor KOJI YAMAZAKI Faculty of Regional Environmental Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture
  1703. MSc Sanzhar Kantarbayev Institute of zoology of the Republick of Kazakhstan
  1704. PhD Tsutomu Mano Hokkaido Research Organization
  1705. MSc Jamshid Parchizadeh Global Wildlife Conservation Center, State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, NY 13210, USA
  1706. MSc Hana Raza Nature Iraq
  1707. MSc Lorenzo Gaffi IUCN SSC Bear Specialist Group
  1708. PhD Konstantin Tirronen Institute of Biology Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Petrozavodsk, Russia
  1709. PhD Aliasghar Zarei Tehran University
  1710. Professor Vincent Nijman Oxford Brookes University
  1711. MSc Gerard Baars International Bear Foundation
  1712. PhD Arash Ghoddousi Humboldt-University Berlin
  1713. PhD David Augeri IUCN Bear Specialist Group
  1714. PhD Lydia Kolter BSG Bear Specialist Group
  1715. PhD Ingrid K Loeffler, DVM, PhD, MRCVS IUCN Bear Specialist Group
  1716. MSc José Kok Ouwehand Zoo Rhenen, member of IUCN SSC Bear Specialist Group
  1717. MSc Arzoo Malik The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
  1718. MSc Stefan Michel Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union Germany (NABU)
  1719. PhD Gabriella Fredriksson Pro Natura Foundation
  1720. MSc Wojtek Moskal Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences
  1721. PhD Marta Ronowicz Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences
  1722. PhD Anna Maria Dąbrowska Institute of Oceanology PAN
  1723. MSc Maciej Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences
  1724. MSc Marta Szczepanek Institute of Oceanology PAN
  1725. PhD Mazurkiewicz Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences
  1726. Professor Maria Włodarska-Kowalczuk Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences, Sopot, Poland
  1727. PhD Viorel Popescu Ohio University (USA) and University of Bucharest (Romania)
  1728. PhD Emilia Trudnowska IOPAN
  1729. PhD Monika Kędra Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences
  1730. MSc Adam F. Smith University of Freiburg
  1731. PhD Lisa Lehnen Senckenberg Society for Nature Research
  1732. MSc Anna Sowa Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Science
  1733. Professor Piotr Kuklinski Institute of Oceanology, Sopot, Poland
  1734. PhD Maciej Szewczyk Department of Vertebrate Ecology and Zoology, University of Gdańsk
  1735. MSc Klaudia Gregorczyk Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Science
  1736. PhD Camilo Carneiro University of Iceland
  1737. PhD Andrea Morehouse Winisk Research and Consulting
  1738. PhD Barbara Oleszczuk Polish Academy of Sciences
  1739. Professor Daniel Rodriguez Wii Foundation, Colombia
  1740. PhD Slawomir Kwasniewski Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences
  1741. Professor Rodrigo Medellin Instituto de Ecologia UNAM
  1742. MSc Rodrigo Cisneros Vidal Technical University of Loja – Ecuador
  1743. PhD Russell Van Horn Bear Specialist Group, Species Survival Commission, IUCN
  1744. PhD Nicolás Reyes-Amaya Curator, Humboldt Institute Mammal Collection (IAvH-M)
  1745. PhD Pesendorfer, Mario University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
  1746. MSc Aleksandra Żmuda Institute of Botany, Jagiellonian University
  1747. MSc Andrés Romero Bravo University of Sussex
  1748. MSc Carl Lackey IUCN Bear Specialist Group-North American Bear Expert Team
  1749. MSc Markéta Swiacká Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
  1750. PhD Jan Kusznierz University of Wrocław
  1751. PhD Piotr Bałazy Institute of Oceanology PAS
  1752. PhD Egle Tammeleht University of Tartu
  1753. PhD Maris Hindrikson University of Tartu
  1754. PhD Ana Corrêa Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, Portugal
  1755. PhD Zalmai Moheb Senior Ecologist at Wildlife Conservation Society Afghanistan Program
  1756. PhD Jenny Anne Glikman Institute of Andvance Social Studies (IESA-CSIC)
  1757. PhD Martin Mayer Aarhus University
  1758. PhD Alexander Sliwa curator, Cologne Zoo, Germany
  1759. PhD Demertzi Alexandra Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
  1760. PhD Marion Schneider Research Consultant Free the Bears
  1761. Professor Elżbieta Jamrozik University of Warsaw
  1762. MSc Elmar Becker University of Amsterdam
  1763. PhD Zoë van Kemenade The Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
  1764. MSc Tristan Bakx Lund University
  1765. MSc Titus Rombouts Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamica, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
  1766. PhD Marta Barberis University of Bologna
  1767. PhD Beumer, Larissa Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre
  1768. PhD Alina Evans Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
  1769. PhD Zofia Korbut-Mikołajczyk International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology
  1770. PhD Emilia Jankowska Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences
  1771. MSc Johan van de Gronden Former IUCN-NL International Union for Conservation of Nature
  1772. MSc Iga Wieczorek Mossakowski Medical Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences
  1773. PhD Jeltje Jouta University of Groningen (Netherlands)
  1774. Professor Jan van Gils Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
  1775. PhD Jarosław F. Słoń Department of Biology UW
  1776. Professor Jan-Berend Stuut Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  1777. PhD Florian Zanatta Meise Botanic Garden
  1778. PhD Carlos Camacho Pyrenean Institute of Ecology (CSIC)
  1779. PhD Ewa M. Wierzbowska University of Gdańsk
  1780. Professor Anita Staroń University od Lodz, Poland
  1781. Professor Inna Shaludko University of Gdańsk
  1782. PhD Joanna Ozimska University of Lodz (Poland)
  1783. MSc Ilario Cola University of Lodz
  1784. MSc Karcz-Napieraj Monika University of Szczecin
  1785. Professor Katarzyna Lukas University of Gdansk
  1786. Professor Magdalena Wandzioch University of Silesia in Katowice
  1787. PhD Izabela Morska University of Gdańsk
  1788. Professor Jolanta Rachwalska von Rejchwald UMCS, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University
  1789. PhD Barwolt S. EBBINGE Wageningen University NL
  1790. Professor Szcześniak Krystyna Univerity of Gdansk
  1791. PhD Magdalena Wawrzyniak-Śliwska University of Gdansk
  1792. Professor Anna Marchewka Faculty of Languages, University of Gdańsk
  1793. PhD Grégoire Perez University of Lyon, France
  1794. Professor Anna Ryś University of Gdańsk
  1795. Professor Ewa Graczyk University of Gdańsk
  1796. Professor Antonio Mingozzi University of Calabria, Department of Biology, Ecology and Earth Sciences
  1797. MSc Perla Aurora Zanatto University of Parma ITALY
  1798. MSc Sara Remelli Parma University
  1799. MSc FRANCESCA VISENTIN University of Florence
  1800. MSc Agnese Denaro Tuscia University
  1801. PhD Valerio Orazi University of Siena
  1802. MSc Giada Sannino Department of Earth Science, university of Parma
  1803. MSc Jacopo Giorgi University of Trieste
  1804. PhD Leandra Leto Università of Parma
  1805. Professor Marina Masini CentrOrnitologicoToscano COT
  1806. PhD Anna Abraszewska University of Lodz, Poland
  1807. PhD Tomas Koubek Charles University in Prague
  1808. MSc Francesca Ingarra University of Palermo (Italy)
  1809. Professor Claire Doutrelant CNRS, Univ. Montpellier France
  1810. Professor Anne Charmantier CNRS
  1811. PhD Celine Teplitsky Centre of Functional and Evolutionary Ecology, CNRS, France
  1812. PhD Joanna Stojak Mammal Research Institute of Polish Academy of Sciences
  1813. PhD Mateusz Baca University of Warsaw
  1814. PhD Syed Fakhar Abbas Centre For Bioresource Research
  1815. PhD Sadkowska-Fidala Agata Wrocław University
  1816. MSc Elia Stefano Rodi University of Genoa
  1817. PhD Isabelle Minder Tuscan Ornithological Society
  1818. MSc Markus Döring Global Biodiversity Information Facility
  1819. MSc Demolder Heidi International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO)
  1820. PhD Michele Carbognani University of Parma
  1821. Professor Brigitta Erschbamer Department of Botany, University of Innsbruck
  1822. MSc Goedele Verbeylen Natuurpunt Research Department
  1823. MSc Davide Sogliani University of Pavia
  1824. MSc Enrico Schifani University of Parma
  1825. PhD Marco Santagostino University of Pavia
  1826. MSc Ramj Turetta Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia
  1827. MSc Marycha Franken University of Groningen
  1828. PhD Himanshu Shekhar Palei North Orissa University, India
  1829. MSc Marcello Franchini University of Udine
  1830. PhD Adrià Viñals Domingo Icbibe. University of Valencia (Spain)
  1831. MSc Richard Beausoleil State Wildlife Agency, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
  1832. MSc Rachel Arnold Royal Zoological Society of Scotland
  1833. PhD Andrea Benocci Museo di Storia Naturale dell’Accademia dei Fisiocritici



33 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Poland’s bison-unfriendly border barrier - Humanity College
  2. Nieprzyjazna dla żubrów blokada granic Polski - POLITICO
  3. Poland’s bison-unfriendly border barrier – Global Herald
  4. Poland’s bison-unfriendly border barrier - Hapyshopping
  5. Poland’s bison-unfriendly border barrier – POLITICO - Pointer News Online
  6. Hundreds of scientists urge EU to stop Poland’s environmentally “devastating” border wall | Notes From Poland
  7. Poland-Belarus border wall sparks environmental and wildlife concerns - Kafkadesk
  8. Głową w mur w sercu Puszczy Białowieskiej - ŚwiatOZE.pl
  9. Przyroda głową muru nie przebije. Naukowcy, organizacje i mieszkańcy wspólnie przeciwko budowie muru na granicy polsko-białoruskiej. - Greenpeace Polska
  10. Polish citizens file a complaint with the European Commission against the border wall that would cut the Białowieża Forest. - Greenpeace Polska
  11. List naukowców do Komisji Europejskiej w sprawie budowy muru na granicy polsko-białoruskiej | Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
  12. Letter from scietists to the European Commission on the construction of a wall on the Polish-Belarusian border | Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
  13. Forskare i öppet brev: Polsk mur mot Belarus kan leda till naturkatastrof – Johansen.se
  14. One of Europe’s most important nature reserves is being destroyed due to Poland’s racist border policies. Here is what’s happening and what you can do about it. – Freedom News
  15. Anarchist news from 300+ collectives 🏴 AnarchistFederation.net
  16. One of Europe’s Most Important Nature Reserves is Being Destroyed Due to Poland’s Racist Border Policies – Earth First! Journal
  17. Poland’s bison-unfriendly border barrier – POLITICO | European 24
  18. One of Europe’s most important nature reserves is being destroyed due to Poland’s racist border policies – Idavox
  19. Una de las reservas naturales más importantes de Europa está siendo destruida debido a las políticas fronterizas racistas de Polonia. – Federación Anarquista 🏴
  20. La Polonia sta costruendo un muro al confine con la Bielorussia per fermare i migranti
  21. Come stanno le foreste primarie europee e perché è importante proteggerle – Red Viper News
  22. Come stanno le foreste primarie europee e perché è importante proteggerle | L'Unità punto news
  23. Unijne prawo środowiskowe powinno być przestrzegane – europarlamentarzyści pytają Komisję Europejską o mur przez Puszczę Białowieską - Greenpeace Polska
  24. Строительство стены между Польшей и Беларусью завершилось наперекор предостережениям экологов — Экодом | Ecohome
  25. Что о стене на белорусско-польской границе думают экологи - GT новости
  26. Что о стене на белорусско-польской границе думают экологи - Russian News
  27. Стена на белорусско-польской границе. Что думают экологи - GT новости
  28. Can the Iron Curtain Be Green? Europe’s nature is being divided by fences and fortifications – Ukraine War Environmental Consequences Work Group
  29. How will Poland’s new anti-migrant border wall impact the environment? - Global Talk Station
  30. How will Poland’s new anti-migrant border wall impact the environment? – Sustainable Action Now
  31. How will Poland's new anti-migrant border wall impact the environment? - Newspostalk - Global News Platfrom
  32. How will Poland’s new anti-migrant border wall affect the setting? - Toadzz
  33. List środowiska naukowego do KE ws. budowy muru na granicy polsko-białoruskiej | Europejskie towarzystwo naukowców i ekspertów na rzecz ochrony przyrody

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